[hr][hr] [center][h1][color=99CC00]Matthew Madigan[/color][/h1] [img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/363556781537886208/636570892754878484/J9pTL8B.jpg[/img] [I]Location: Merlins Tower (Inside) Skills: [/I][/center] [hr][hr] Maddie hadn't replied to Colbys statement that night. Pretending to be asleep as he chewed on the words a bit more. The sentiment was sweet, but a party of Maddie wondered if perhaps he was saying that he was willing to go their separate ways if they couldn't decide on a set path together. He curled into himself, feeling Colbys body press against him as they cuddled for the night and went to bed. The thought lingered in his mind until morning light. He murmured to himself as he turned around and faced Colby, noses inches from touching. [Color=99CC00]"Don't be silly Colbs. So long as I'm with you I'll be happy. Even surrounded by all these people, having these little moments with you makes it all worth it. Whether we're braving against Maleficent and her goons, or hiding out away from the world, I'll be happy so long as I'm with you."[/color] Maddie smiled at the lazy boy, pressing his forehead against his before closing his eyes for a moment. He thanked his stars that they were in Merlin's Tower, safeguarded from crows and ravens that may spoil this moment.