Dean shook his head at Mika with a mouthful of food, and carefully swallowed, “I’m gonna be ready for hunting, after this! As long as I fight the sleep off, I’ll have plenty of fuel, all night.” He laughed, and pushed the burger away, deciding to take it with him, for after the hunt. He was always starving after a hunt, and there weren’t a lot of places in this type of town to get food late at night. He pulled the pie close to him, and dug into it, just basking in the pure sugary goodness as he paused, “I’m taking the burger with me. This is amazing. You okay?” He noticed that Mika was in thought. He took another bite, and tapped the edge of his fork on the table, “I’ll be the bait…” He knew that she was probably thinking about it. This was their first time hunting a skin walker together, and it would be all trial and error. That usually meant that one of them would have to draw the monster out. Dean watched her face and shrugged his shoulders. It had to be one of them, and considering everything she had gone through, he would rather take the heat.