[color=00a651]"There's a number of the things out there in the Redhawks. As for catching the biggest fish ever good luck. Rumor has it someone already caught Ol' Bitey. That trout has pulled several people under. Be off unless you're buying the next round.[/color] The dwarf waves the halfling away. [color=fff200]"Please excuse my companion his brother left a day or so ago to pursue the giant that stole some of the towns mead. None of those who have gone out have returned yet. Enjoy your fishing."[/color] The gnome finishes his tankard and continues to talk with the dwarf. [color=fff200]"I am beginning to wonder if the Frostmadien is behind all this. Someone must have lite a fire last new moon and we didn't know about it.[/color] [Color=00a651]"Pah, I don't think she really cares what we do. What would a God of winter care for the plight of mortals. If you ask me it was just a giant who wanted a drink."[/color]