The idea of a dragon and a demon fighting each other was something that seemed utterly preposterous to the halfling as his feet trudged along the ash-covered roads. They ached from the days of travel and he made sure that everyone knew, groaning and complaining with what seemed to be every few moments. However, this complaining of feet did eventually give way to him complaining about getting much upon his clothing and stopping to desperately slap the dirt off only to run back to stay with the group after realizing that no one was going to stop and wait for him to clean himself. This group of ruffians seemed to lack that common decency and Falfer would merely not allow it! Then again, a few of them seemed a little more willing to stab another, so the outcast merchant put his reservations to the side as he inspected them each, assessing them. Falfer kept his eyes close, to the other of his own kind, knowing that if she was amongst this group of ruffians as well then she may well have done something underhanded as well. That said, when they reached the city, Falfer could almost feel himself being at peace in a somewhat familiar environment once more. The thoughts of what could be done quickly burrowed into his mind, schemes of gaining coin and rebuilding what he lost sent happiness through his soul. Then, he saw the state of it, and what started as a smile almost quickly turned to tears as he uttered to himself, “I miss my manor.” Looking to Raddek, Falfer asked a simple question, “Why could you not have brought us to some place of at least a modicum of dignity?” With a sigh, the Burrowfolk turned and watched the other of his kind enter the city only for himself to begrudgingly follow, feigning pleasantries as he dusted off some of the collected dirt in his form. His arms folded behind his back as the look of underlying dissatisfaction gave way to a professional front. His eyes scanned the streets, intent on looking for anyone who matched his own status as a true proper merchant, someone with wealth. Though, given the nature of the city, he dared not look closely just in case the group he traveled with strayed too far. After all, the folk he entered with would prove to be adequate protection in such a hive of scum that he did not truly care for. [hider=Rolls] None [/hider]