Enma's partner was correct, the three humans and their new companions were nearly surrounded. As Aki approached the pair of helmets, she became able to see their slight movements from side to side as they made their way closer to the tower. One of the two stopped when she got within a few feet, while the other seemed to ignore her. Meanwhile, the three to the west stopped their imperceptible movement and the one to the north seemed to be lifted slightly at the front, revealing blackness beneath it and what appeared to be two white rings to anyone who looked in its direction. Several yards to the east awoke two more humans who had appeared during the flash of light from the tower. There was a small hill between them and the other three, obscuring their view of the other humans. These two humans were a young boy and an even younger girl who awoke to circumstances even stranger than the earlier five had. Underneath their heads, in place of pillows, were two boxes. In the one under Simon's head was five of the blank battlechips that could be found in the boxes near the tower as well as five of the blank capture cards and what looked to be seven battlechips ripped straight from the Battle Network games. Lily's box contained only ten of the blank capture cards and another smaller box with a keyhole on the front of it. The box seemed to be made of ivory with golden accents, and while it didn't have a seam to open at, the keyhole must mean that it can be opened, right? As they awoke, the two would notice that they already had their Expanse Callers' holographic overlays in their vision. Simon's had a yellow egg with darker yellow splotches on it being held by a sleeping but already initialized [url=https://64.media.tumblr.com/8bc1c6c26ada8b4a2492e90b2c20c282/tumblr_p9s9z4DGyo1x72ahao1_1280.jpg]person[/url], if they were even that. However, the strangest thing would be that Lily was beset on either side by large eggs. To her right was an orange egg, about the size of her head, and on her left was a light green egg that was just smaller enough than the other to be noticeable. The sun had moved in the sky enough to be noticed by anyone looking at it in this short amount of time, and the temperature seemed to get even warmer.