[hider=BigfootWIP][img] https://i.etsystatic.com/5720992/r/il/5583c0/1925226113/il_794xN.1925226113_lfob.jpg [/img] [color=White]Name: Saquatch aka Bigfoot Age: Adult Race: Gigantopithicus Powers or Abilities : Massive Strength, and the ability to hide in natural surroundings. History : I am the last of my kind, hunted down in the past by the Agency as we were misjudged as hostile monsters, instead of killing me, they took me captive and taught me their human ways in exchange for my services to them, but there are things I have kept from them, for I am not the last of my people. Personality: can become outraged when he witnesses useless slaughter to animals or nature. [/color][/hider]