[quote=@Hillan] [s]Shameless double post because I'm a monster.[/s] Well, fucking sniped. I've got a question of the day if the GM's would indulge me. These games have a habit of burning bright and fading out, and I can't help but wonder why. [b]What do you think your biggest pitfall in writing is? What's the thing that kills your motivation the most often?[/b] On the creative side, I think my issue is being too hard on myself. The belief in every-expanding betterment. I've come to realize in my advancing age that maybe the drive to always make something that's better than the last isn't helpful. That it's okay to make something creatively that is by all means worse than a previous project without it invalidating the growth you've had as a creator. [/quote] Historically in these games I've tried to keep discussion going in order to generate interest. I know I dropped once due to seeing Endgame (I was playing Iron Man and it just burnt me right out, I still stand on the hill that I didn't particularly like Endgame and I will die on it.... but that's not important now). I feel like burn-out is hard to pind own as there's lots of different reasons why it happens. Increase in work, drop of interest, self-doubt. I always try and compliment people as much as possible and plan to bring back the 'award'/'vote' scenario back from one of the games we did previously. Lets go onward and upwards!