Mika didn't want to take their food to go but she knew just as well as he did that if they didn't move now, then it was going to be too late and they would lose their only possible leads, especially as they didn't know who this guy was, just that he was acting suspicious and antsy as hell. She listened to his reply as she pulled out her wallet and put the money for their meals and drinks on the table, along with a tip for the waitress. "Me neither, if it's one of us or a random person off the street, I'd rather take one of us being the bait. Going for an utter outsider from town would surely be more appealing to this skinwalker." she started replying to him, "I also agree that the dude in the suit might be easier to get through to than some guy in a uniform" she added, also assuming that she might have to take the lead once again on this, and just as she was hoping she could change her footwear. Luckily for her, Dean was perfect for the lurking behind her and looking intimidating enough if things started to close up. "Got it, luckily for us the car is right near him, so if you need to you can put the food boxes in the car whilst i approach this guy" she replied to him with a smile as she scooted across the booth table seat and stood up, adjusting her suit incase it got crumpled from sitting down. She pulled out her car keys and when Dean had stood up, she placed them inside his suit jacket pocket for him as he was holding the food boxes. Exiting the diner, she headed to the edge of the sidewalk, looking both ways before crossing the road safely but urgently as she saw the officer go inside the station, and the suited guy, their target begin to walk away. "I hate jogging in heels" she grumbled to herself and Dean, as she gave him the shoulder pat to let him know she was going on ahead and over to this guy. She picked up the pace and managed to get away with just jogging in her stiletto heels with ease, reaching the guy in question. "Excuse me sir? Do you have a moment to chat? I'm Agent Jett, FBI" She introduced herself, stopping in front of him. "Uh, what can I do for you.... Agent?" He asked, looking at her questionably not sure if he could believe she really was an FBI agent. Mika pulled out her badge and showed him, to which he took from her and scrutinized even more than the coroner did before then handed it back to her. The man in question was tall, mousey blonde scriffy hair that had obviously tried to be tamed in some manner. His suit now she was up close to him, seemed relatively well fitted but not perfect which told her it was a generic suit from a store and not one that was custom to his measurements. He looked suspicious of his surroundings, anxiety ridden as his hands seemed to be fidgeting in his prants pockets. "We're here because of the recent killings that have been unsolved. The ones that have their throats slashed opened roughly. My department have been called in to close this case as your local police team seem completely incapable of catching this person" she spoke to him as professionally as possible. "you seem rather anxious Mr...?" she pointed out, giving him the cue that he hadn't introduced himself yet. "Travers, it's Mr.Travers" he said.