[centre][img]https://txt.1001fonts.net/img/txt/dHRmLjYwLjc1MTliMi5MaTR1TGk0dUxpNHVMaTR1TGk0dUxpNHVMaTR1TGk0dUxpNHVMaTR1TGk0dUxpNHVMaTR1TGk0dUxpNHVMaTR1TGk0dUxpNHVMaTR1TGk0dUxpNHVMaTR1LjA/vtks-deja-vu.regular.png[/img] [img]https://txt.1001fonts.net/img/txt/dHRmLjYwLjc1MTliMi5WR2hoWkdSbGRYTS4w/vtks-rock-garage-band.regular.png[/img] [img]https://txt.1001fonts.net/img/txt/dHRmLjYwLjc1MTliMi5MaTR1TGk0dUxpNHVMaTR1TGk0dUxpNHVMaTR1TGk0dUxpNHVMaTR1TGk0dUxpNHVMaTR1TGk0dUxpNHVMaTR1TGk0dUxpNHVMaTR1TGk0dUxpNHVMaTR1LjA/vtks-deja-vu.regular.png[/img] [img]https://i.ibb.co/pbNSBhN/Thaddeus.png[/img] [color=920ee8][b]Status:[/b][/color] [color=C23F5B]Alive / Well[/color] [color=920ee8][b]Location:[/b][/color] [color=C23F5B]At the Smithy[/color] [color=920ee8][b]Response:[/b][/color] [color=C23F5B][@Redpandagamer][@Forsythe][/color] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xeeNxYqzePg]Theme Song[/url] [img]https://txt.1001fonts.net/img/txt/dHRmLjYwLjc1MTliMi5MaTR1TGk0dUxpNHVMaTR1TGk0dUxpNHVMaTR1TGk0dUxpNHVMaTR1TGk0dUxpNHVMaTR1TGk0dUxpNHVMaTR1TGk0dUxpNHVMaTR1TGk0dUxpNHVMaTR1LjA/vtks-deja-vu.regular.png[/img][/centre] [color=C23F5B]If she didn't return he could keep the metals? Thaddeus did not exactly like the implication of that phrasing or the anxious nature in which it was followed by. He was not particulary what one would call a worrier, in fact his mentality dictated that whatever happened would happen and that was that. No reason to fight a battle that already has a decided conclusion. But her words just didn't sit right with him, damn it, that wasn't it at all no matter how he pretended, he liked Shina and would never wanna see her get hurt, without realizing it at first she had become a comfortable part of his life even if neither of them really ever talking much or hung out. So the notion that she might not come back, even if it was a joke made him weary with a caution he was not known for. [b]"Malvo is gonna be pissed..."[/b] Thaddeus spoke under his breath before removing the monacle from under his sunglasses replacing it in his pocket. He would just hope Malvo and the Katorian would understand his being late. [b]"Ill go with you both, I would be loathe if something were to happen. Besides I have been cooped up on a ship for months, a nice walk wouldn't hurt."[/b] Thaddeus gave that smile he was famous for as he played it off that there was no other reason to go than he could use the exercise. [b]"Lead the way. I will leave this paperwork with an associate of mine down the road, he will inform Malvo I will be back later".[/b][/color]