Chiyoko held her hand against her lips. "I didn't scare you, did I? You're here, so they don't want to kill you." She had a smile on her face, but her eyes were cold. "If they wanted to kill you, they would have. There's no need to worry. Why would they try to accommodate you all and put effort into nice rooms, if all they want is to dispose of you? Did you see mine? It's almost as if I'm home. I even get prey every now and then." As calm as she was as she entered the place, she went to where Rose set and held out a hand to help her up. "Do not stress, there's no need for it." [hr] Ethan watched Harriet check the ink-black circle, apparently she saw more in it than he did, as he couldn't see a damn thing but she was able to determine her stuff was gone. He accepted a cigarette from agent Barrow and lit it. "That sucks," he stated as reply to her comment her things were gone. Agent Morison shrugged a bit. "You mean the old base> We can do that. With us gone it's the perfect moment for enemies to be there, so we might as well hunt for vampires and other intelligent monsters there now. But I don't think you'll find much. If you're talking about the new base, that's just on the other side of this city." Agent Barow nodded to his fellow agent's words. "I'll get the car," he offered. "Either way we'll have to drive."