[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/YWzKiCZ.png[/img][/center] [center]Princess Annalise Interaction with [@Vampiretwilight][/center] “You don’t owe me an apology. I understand having siblings. I have four of them.” She seemed to glance around the room looking for each of her sisters. Bella had found herself with the Half-Orc, Emily was actively avoiding the nobles who wanted to dance with her, and she had seen Jin wander off with the Prodzy Prince, which for some reason upset her, not that she would show it. “Sometimes, they just drive you crazy. Even without trying.” She gave him a gentle smile as they danced. If she was honest she was beginning to get tired though she hid it well. [center]______________________________________________________[/center] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/bMteDNt.png[/img][/center] [center] Prince Gil Jalal of Afdan Interaction with [@Wolvena][/center] His smile only grew wider when Marabella said she would like to see the sword dances. “They are certainly a sight to be seen. They are used as a right of passages for some of the tribes, when young boys become men. They can also be used as courting competitions, or simply as a form of entertainment. My brothers and I all participated in one when we turned 16. I am sure, no matter what happens eventually you will see one.” He was beaming with happiness that she seemed to show an interest in his country’s traditions or at least that one in particular. However when she mentioned stepping out of the line of what everyone else was doing he shrunk back a bit. He had never been one to intentionally stand out. Though he attempted to play it off in a way that didn’t make her think he was a coward and forced a chuckle. “I can barely keep up with these steps. I am not sure deviating would be a very good idea. Besides, the dances of my country are much more...savage, or maybe, primal, than I think these nobles are prepared for.” He seemed to hate using the word savage to describe his country’s ancient dances but it was unfortunately the only word he would think of.