Dorian smiles as James releases the young man, his now unconscious body sliding to the ground, and turns his pleading eyes to the elder. [i]'He is like a very large, vicious puppy. The want and need is so innocent and pure, as it should be. At least his time alone did not make him too primal'[/i] Dorian shudders as he recalls the two vampires found in the European wetlands three hundred years ago. They had been completely feral and the coven itself put them down because of the danger they posed. Their killing spree had only lasted a month, but the body count was enough to get the local authorities to begin a manhunt that nearly exposed the vampire underground. As the boy moves in closer the elder reaches out and snakes an arm around his waist and simply smiles at the youngsters pleas and reasoning. Catching the back of his head before he can pull back Dorian holds him in place as his own tongue snakes out to clean the rest of the blood from the boy's face. Once he finishes he gives James's head a little scratch before pressing their foreheads together. “Do not fret about such things Little One. You will find that humans are not nearly as unique as they seem to b. Even if we do not find one so sweet as this tonight, you will find that flavor again in another some day.” He hums, tilting his head back so he can check the alley. “As for disposing of the body, it is not nearly as simple as that.” With a chuckle he slides his arm from behind his back to grip the youngster's hand. “I could smell those bodies in the woods, and eventually their dogs will find them. And bodies in the water? They raise more suspicion than one would think. Now, let us go find something else to nibble on, shall we?” Tugging gently one James's hand he pulls him towards the street in the distance. It is much later now, and the only light left comes from the streetlamps. High overhead clouds block out the heavenly bodies that normally bathe the world with their cool glow. Once they reach the open street Dorian moves back in close beside James and motions for him to continue hunting.