Jitter was lost in thought, a horrific past entered his mind, seeing his father screaming in pain, and then, it was gone...the ring promised to him, stolen. The halfing shook his head from side to side, his cheery self gone, now replaced with a cold bitter tone that echoed from his lips [color=Khaki]"Knucklehead trout, I'm looking for the monster granddaddy of em all, and when I found that son of an orc's arse, I'm gonna fry him up."[/color] Jitter pulled his pipe out and lit the strange tobacco that smelled of summer days of a lazy forest. [color=Khaki]"Fishing, believe it or not, when I'm not busy with other tasks, you can find me following his trail."[/color] He blew smoke rings that flew upawards towards the Tiefling, but broke apart over his head. [color=Khaki]" Pray tell, why are you here, Kythor?"[/color]