Chas after saying what he did, was starting to think maybe he shouldn't have said anything to such a young girl, but Trish surprised him by taking it so well. "yeah, kids are his weakness. Though you didn't hear that from me. You must keep what I've told you a secret and not let him know I said anything. He's a very closed off person unless he genuinely cares about someone." he explained, deciding to leave out the real horrific end of John's self inflicted justice toward his father. A child as young as Trish did not need to know that John set the house on fire with his father in it and burned the guy alive, sending him to Hell. As John spoke to her again, she looked across at him and wondered where this was coming from. However she just walked up to him and slid her arms round his waist, "John, I will never let other's comments about you away my opinion of you. I've made my own opinion of you for what I've seen of you and that won't change. You've been nothing but amazing to me and I know it was as special to you as it was for me. I could feel it in our bond." she started explaining, pecking his lips. "you've given me a new burst of wanting to live and dare I say Nothing anyone could tell me will stop me from wanting to be with you. I want you John. I want to be with you. And it seems the universe does too if this bond and such is anything to go by" she explained. "and that came out way longer than I anticipated" she softly chuckled.