[center][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/868848204068814850/873521850309824542/unknown.png[/img][/center] [right][b]GOTHAM PD // GOTHAM[/b][/right] Steve turned as he heard Bruce speak. He shouldn't have been surprised that he had decided to sneak up on him rather than just walk up. He was the Bat for a reason. [color=#b496f1]"Actually I tend to go by Director these days."[/color] Steve smiled at the [i]Batman[/i], he didn't exactly expect one in return but he had followed the Bruces career with great interest overt he years. From the Urban Legend to member of the Justice League, the two had worked together on a variety of different cases and while their ideologies differed, Steve firmly believed that the core that drove them was the same, and it all boiled down to the fact that they didn't like bullies. [color=#b496f1]"It may be a long way from the Triskellion but I feel that if I had shown up in the Helicarrier it may have raised a few eyebrows. We've got enough of a crimewave without S.H.I.E.L.D panicking every two-bit crook and gangster that roams Gotham. I heard about your takedown by the way, nicely done. Your boys and girls are doing well too."[/color] He chuckled good naturedly. All he was doing was putting off the issue, and all [i]that[/i] was going to do was piss-off Bruce. [color=#b496f1]"Waller is stonewalling me on the evidence gathered when they found Furys car, and she seems to be keeping all her files on the matter [i]analog[/i] so I can't access them remotely. I'm clutching at straws here, I was wondering if you'd take a look at the photos and let me know what you think?[/color]