Fisto and his brother Duncan [aka Man At Arms] pursued the shadow serpents while Teela and Ram Man were just inside of the city walls regrouping with the Royal Guard as well as the newest King Jaguaro of the cat-people. It seemed as if the serpents were moving closer to the downed dragon and the brothers hit the scene just in time to witness a transformation. The dozen or so shadow serpents slithered into the body of darkness that was the dragon and in a matter of moments developed several more heads like a hydra as well as a dramatic increase in size. The enormous shadow creature decimated a guard tower just before crashing through one of the city walls. If He-Man was around the creature would’ve never got this far. “You got anything in your workshop big enough to take THAT thing, Duncan?” Fisto asked running ahead of the slow and bulky mech that Man At Arms was piloting. Roughly a hundred yards away Teela, Ram Man, and the king of the cat-people hurried to assist the people of the city get to the palace. Royal Guards, the cat-people, and others worked around wreckage and saved several civilians from getting in the way of the shadow hydra slowly working towards the palace itself. Lord Masque walked behind the creature that was under his control after leaping from it’s back. Fisto was nearing the enemy and punched the ground hard causing a small quake to erupt in the direction of the cloaked Masque. “Nobody will stop me from taking my revenge on King Randor!” yelled the shadow bender just before making another power play. Shadows of the heroic warriors slowly peeled themselves up from the ground and surfaces around them. They began to take three dimensional shape and soon there were shadow duplicates of nearly everyone trying to stop Masque. Teela, King Jaguaro, and Ram Man were met with duplicates as well as several of the cat-people and Royal Guards. Fisto looked in awe as a shadow duplicate with a large left hand mirrored him. “So THIS is the best you’ve got… eh?” Fisto began saying out loud when a man with a lute on his back ran past. The Shadow Fisto cracked the normal one in the face with his giant left hand and sent him flying back into some debris.