[quote=@Lord Wraith] [table=bordered][row][/row][row][cell=info][INDENT][SUB][SUP][H3][B][COLOR=white]INFORMATION:[/COLOR][/B][/H3][/SUP][/SUB][/INDENT][b][sup]_______________________________[/sup][/b][INDENT][COLOR=BLACK]The [b]World Building Compendium[/b] on the Zeroth Post of the IC Tab has been updated with information regarding [b]ARGUS[/b], [b]SHIELD[/b] and the [b]VRA[/b]. Any world building information created by players can be submitted to the GMs for addition to the compendium. All information added to the compendium is subject to GM review prior to being posted.[/COLOR][/INDENT][/cell][/row][/table] [/quote] In relation to this we tried to build the VRA in a way that it could be [i]interesting[/i] for you all to deal with IC, but in a way that doesn't force your hand by doing anything major like making [i]all heroes that aren't registered illegal[/i]. If you have any questions feel free to ask.