[h3] Dean Winchester [/h3] As he got off the phone, Dean smiled back down at her with a sigh. He glanced to the door as Nat called through to them and rolled his eyes, “Yeah it seems that way. I don’t want to deal with Nat throwing cold water on me again for missing breakfast. I’m up!” He quickly shuffled to the edge of the bed, looking down at his torso, and then over to his clothes. He lazily picked his bloody jeans off the floor and slipped them over his legs, deciding that he would grab his bag and get dressed later. For now, he just wanted to get down stairs before he managed to piss Natalia off. He then remembered something that made him smirk as he buckled his belt, “Sam slept in the vault last night, right? You don’t think he and Anna…Sweet little Anna.” Dean shook his head, snickering at the thought of his brother being brave enough to even kiss her outside of desperation. Although, it wouldn’t be the first time they had been hot and heavy, just the first time they had been alone long enough to make anything out of it. He stepped over to Mika, and leaned down placing one sweet kiss on her lips, before reaching his hand out for hers, “Let’s go make a grand entrance, and no…I’m not putting on a shirt.” [h3] Cason [/h3] Cason smiled as Esme kissed him back, and started to deepen the kiss against her lips just as she woke up and shoved him. He held his hands up to apologize and explain himself, but she punched him, causing a loud and defeated groan to leave his lips as he stepped back from the bed, sitting roughly on his ass on the floor. “I’m sorry. Esme I’m sorry…”, he grumbled, running a hand through his hair, “You wouldn’t wake up and I tried everything I knew. Sarah tried. I tried. So, I had to improvise and…” When Esme asked if he had talked to Dean, he sighed, relieved that she at least partially understood what he was trying to do, “Yes. Yes he did. I called him, because he’s the only one who knows you better than me, and he told me…to kiss you.” [h3] Annabeth [/h3] Anna stared up at Sam and smiled. His skin was always so relaxing to her, for some reason. He was like a walking Xanax, even now, with the demon blood situation. She groaned outwardly at the idea of getting up coming up again. She had to admit after two days of not eating, she was starving. So, she simply nodded at his request for her to eat, “Alright. Let’s go.” As Anna heard Natalia’s voice ringing down from all the way upstairs, she chuckled, glancing over at Sam to see his smile. She was glad he had woke up smiling this morning. Her mind flashed back to their time the night before, while chaos was breaking out around them, and she blushed a bit, standing from the makeshift bed. Being already dressed, she stepped over to him, and slipped under his arm, leaning up on her tiptoes to give him a sweet kiss on the lips, “She’s playing mom, which means we have probably thirty seconds to get up there, before she starts throwing things at us…”