[h2]Esme Stirling[/h2] Esme sighed heavily after Cason explained it was in fact Dean that told him to kiss her to wake her up. “I see.” she said simply, no emotion in her tone. She turned her gaze from him and leaned her head back on the headboard, and closed her eyes. “That would be his answer of help.” she whispered. After everything that happened last night, why did Dean have to tell Cason that was one way to wake her up when she fell into a deep sleep? The action had brought memories back to the front of her mind. She tried to push them back, but they kept pushing themselves forward. She could remember the first time with Dean, she had overdone it by projecting her emotions to another and had passed out. Dean had told her he had let her sleep the rest of the day and tried to wake her up the next day every way he knew how. He even told her she had him worried sick, thinking she’d fallen into a coma, but had decided to try kissing her to wake her up. When she woke up, she saw the worry on his face turn to relief and he pulled her into a tight embrace, telling her not to scare him like that again. A few more memories played out as she sat there, making her want to cry at how sweet they were. They were her fairy tale moments with him. She mentally kicked herself for wanting to cry. [i]Why must I be so emotional? You need to get a grip on them and shove them down.[/i] she told herself. Sometimes she wished she was just numb to everything she felt. Opening her eyes, she patted Sarah’s head as she looked over at her. Esme then quietly made her way down to the end of the bed, placed her feet on the floor so her bag was between them and bent down and dug through it for some clothes. She pulled out a pair of jeans and laid them on the bed next to her, then did the same thing with a shirt, bra, and socks. Leaning up, she brushed her hair back from her face, grabbed her clothes and stood up from the bed. “Give me a bit and I’ll be ready to go.” she muttered as she walked to the bathroom and shut the door behind her. While in the bathroom, she got herself changed, teeth and hair brushed, and put on what makeup she usually wore. Then she gathered everything, even the little bottles of shampoo and conditioner from the shower. She then opened up the door and exited the bathroom, grabbing her bag from the floor. She put it on the bed and packed in her things after grabbing her gun off the top and putting it into the back of her pants. It was clear to see that she wasn’t at a hundred percent, but she looked better than she did yesterday. Esme gave the room a sweep with her eyes, the only thing she had was her phone and its charger, which she didn’t remember plugging in. She brought up a hand to cover her yawn before she zipped up her bag. Moving her bag over, she sat on the edge of the bed and put on her boots and began to lace them. “I’m sorry.” she said breaking the silence in the room. “I shouldn’t have punched you.” She sat up and looked over at him after getting her boots laced and tied. There was a reason she always woke up the way she did, but that was something she wasn’t ready to talk to anyone about just yet. She brushed her hair back from her face again as she looked over at him. “But I wasn’t expecting to wake up to you kissing me. I half expected to have cold water thrown on me.”