Hello guild-peoples I'm Quinn and I'm an al--..., woop... wrong group... heh. Anywho, I'm Quinn and it has been a hot minute since I've taken a foray into the realm of forum based roleplay. But ya' girl craves social interaction in a fictional world, so I've returned to the interweb in hope of exploration, heartbreak, and magic. A bit about me, I'm a writer--not yet an author sadly, still tryna get something done that's actually publishable. I got myself a degree in a language I already knew how to speak and I'm not actually sure if my writing has improved at all, so hopefully I can do some good by y'all(if you wanna make a writing group with me I would love that! I crave social interaction!). As far as experience goes I spent most of my 6th through 10th grades in various roleplays but I kinda let that slip away from me for the last couple years. I [i]have[/i] kept up with doing some in-person roleplaying(mostly through D&D), but with conflicting schedules my groups haven't been able to fill my desire to be literally anywhere else but where I am, so now I'm counting on y'all to assist in my escapism. Ummm, running out of things, please love me... Anyways! I'm open to lots of different genres and group styles. Mostly I write urban fantasy or high fantasy; when it comes to roleplaying though, I'm just as excited to be exploring ancient ruins on a distant planet, as I am to be developing the latest in bronze age technology. So long as I get to explore a story with other people there isn't much I'm not willing to do. I can do one on one roleplays, though I am much more comfortable in groups of three or more. I'm most accessible on weekends, but I can be a little active on weekdays(usually weekday evenings--after 8:30 PM PST--I'll have some freedom). *Throws confetti to keep your attention* I feel like I'm forgetting stuff but oh well, such is life. Quick recap, I'm Quinn, please love me, and if you spoil [u]Owl House[/u] for me then you are dead in my eyes. Yeah that sounds about right.