[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/ndCDwJR.jpg?1[/img] [color=gold]Time:[/color] 10 am [color=gold]Location:[/color] Jungle [color=gold]Interactions:[/color] Annya [@princess], Raven [@Tae], Saoirse [@Potter], Kharne [@Kazemitsu] [color=gold]Equipment:[/color] [url=https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/597967434732929024/864247090107908136/1879ac03cb92713cb9e4e17dcc2268d4.png]A rouge-ish set of clothing[/url], his dog tags, and a set of [url=https://i.pinimg.com/564x/31/ac/9d/31ac9df882a7577c5c14acbde89f35e1.jpg]faux demihuman Wolf ears[/url], a [url=https://i.pinimg.com/564x/4d/f4/f9/4df4f95b9fef4d52de3dd97f062d457b.jpg]Ring of Disguise[/url], two rations of food, water flask, a bar of soap and a few other portable hygienic products.[/center] [hr] Ismael noticed two different reactions to his name, he saw most look at him with acceptance or acknowledgment. Yet Annya seemed to think of it as some very powerful name and expressed it as such. He didn't think it was really a powerful name, nor did he think it deserved such ferocity when speaking it, yet the princess seemed to like it, so he'd let it stay. He did get the info he wanted from Annya, they were to head to a town called Riverport. If it wasn't a port town by the river, Ismael would be quite disappointed. Yet he also got info on why they were moving, they were to leave before an attack commenced. Ismael understood why to bring them away, he just didn't know one thing, would the city fare well. Sure their army might be strong, but if they were banking their hopes on some random Joe Schmoes coming through a portal to help them win a war, they might be in bigger trouble than they let on. However this wasn't the time to think of things like that, people seemed to be more worried of other things. As Ismael noticed the others gave some more introductions, yet he felt giving one for himself would feel unwarranted now he spoke his name, so he'll just keep it to himself for now. Yet as he listened to the others speak he heard each person's upbringings and their current happenings before coming here. Kharne was quite old actually, he probably has a longer life span than humans do. However, it wasn't when he died that made Ismael interested, it was how many years was Kharne a Mercenary. He was a professional soldier for years, so his duty was to be and surpass excellently. In a profession where most die young, he was an old practitioner of his craft, the only thing that beats the wisdom and skill of the old is the youth and ferocity of the young yet it seemed that was not much of a worry yet for the Dragonborn. He was one to learn from if anyone. Next was the strange white-haired girl named Raven. She was just a year over the legal drinking age in their world and a professional…cosplayer? Ismael had heard of many ways to make money, but he never thought that could be an option. Ismael had to know, he had such curiosity as to what such work could entail, [color=gold]"Professional Cosplayer? Was the work akin to modeling?"[/color]. Ismael threw the question to Raven from the sheer wish to know what work could be found as a 'Professional Cosplayer'. 'Shae' seemed to have taken a moment to give a name, may it have been out of thinking if she should give it or not, or out of a want to think up of a name to hide her real name. Ismael didn't harp on such things, yet what he did take detail of was her skills. It seemed quite a few different skills were in her arsenal for self-defense may it have been out of interest, hobbies, or necessity, he is not sure of. Yet he knows that she won't be a slouch to the impending war to come. After some quick thoughts, Ismael remembered out of all of them, both Raven and Shae fell through the same portal and landed on each other. They both yelled at each other as something happened before the portal opening, may it be they both fell through while doing something as Raven yelled like she was forced in by Shae. So that meant they both knew each other if not close in relation but in close in proximity, so they both came from the same place and time. That'd be good, so whatever one says from their time it will be true for the other. If a pillar of support is needed, someone who knows of you and can understand your plight is important. And the best people at a time like this are either people who are saints who understand people, or people who had come from a similar background as you. Shae and Raven might not have been similar in background, but coming from the same place and time would help them keep each other grounded at least. Yet before Ismael could continue thinking he had a thought, that Shae immediately asked as well, what of the power they supposedly possess. Ismael believes these powers must have some trigger, like emotion, yet if it was based on what emotion you used for the power you'd get, Ismael believed the boy who threw a hissy fit over an unlit blunt would have produced fire. After all, humans have always put fire as the element of uncontrolled anger, not earth. So it must have some randomness to it, however, he believed it must have been elemental since Caelan can control earth. That would mean very few things could use such magic, after all, why summon people who could use magic that you could. After all, if you needed to summon more 'power', either their magic needed to be far more powerful than yours, or you'd need to summon many more people than they did. Even 30 magic wielders couldn't make much of a difference in a war if they could wield the same magic you did with the same power. Well, Ismael would hope that is the case or magic that the people of this world can do much more dangerous than he can even think, as the only thing that humans have that can be considered similar in power is nuclear weapons. And if that is at the fingertips of a person, that could be the most dangerous thing. Amongst all, the thing he is most worried about was what they were to fight in this world. Human's never needed to worry about other animals, after all, their biggest competitor was other humans. Not monsters nor beasts, so what if they needed to fight something so powerful that only magic could fight. Ismael didn't have magic at the moment, so he'd have to look at those kinds of monsters like Tanks, with the right stuff, possible, yet other than that, literally impossible. So Ismael wanted to ask to know, in case of, something worrisome lived in this Jungle, [color=gold]"May I ask, what lives in these Jungles? Is there anything in here we would need to worry about? Any large predators here that would see us as potential prey?"[/color]