Tiff smiled when Sal said he wouldn't tell and asked what color she was going to use. "Mostly different shades of blues and black. It's going to be hard to get the exact color of blue I need so Zach is gonna try to get as close as he can." She answered cheerfully. What Sal said made her feel better and she smiled at him. This is one of the reasons she loved Sal so much. He always knew how to make people feel better. "Thanks Sal." She said before reaching over and playing with his hair a bit. She added her dishes to the ones Will put in the sink for later before heading into the living room and grabbing her sketchbook. Will looked to Sal when he spoke after Tiffany left and went into the living room. "Um….I think." She answered before going through the pantry looking for the stash she kept of Sal's medicine. As quietly as possible. "Do you want it mixed in something or straight?" She asked as she finally found it. Giving it to him however he answered. "I also have some of those weeds you like to smoke, since Jo isn't here it won't bug her." She offered. After being sure that he had everything he needed she sat back across the table from him and sighed a bit relaxing herself. "So, it's gonna be a few hours before we meet up with the girls. Is there anything you want to do?" -- "Sounds good to me." Jo answered with a nod before they headed off to the gym. She couldn't help but vent to him a little bit as they walked. While she knew that he kind of tried to keep out of it as much as possible. Drake really was easy to talk to, she knew that he got whatever thought process Alex had his mind set in. However, he knew enough about Fae just from dating her sister that he almost could pass as one at this point. He understood her. She smiled up at him when he called her a badass. "I hope so, I'd like to think I'm bad in the ass. Thanks Drake." She kind of chuckled at his joke to kick Alex's ass. "No, that wouldn't work. He would let me win over fighting me." She said with a head shake, before looking up at Drake as he went from zero to deep. Also one hundred percent right. She needed to show him that she didn't need to be coddled, she knew he did it because he loved her. She was afraid it would lead to losing him because she couldn't handle it at some point. "Actually…..that isn't a bad idea. I mean the fact there would be other people there is kind of scary. But maybe if Alex saw I could handle myself he would stop freaking out about everything. I think I will sign up." Once they got to the gym she waited for Drake to unlock it, kind of surprised it was locked. Tiff had said before it was 24hours. She nodded a little bit as Drake seemed to read her mind and explained why it was closed. "Oh okay, I've never been here before, so I'm not sure what equipment they get. But that's nice." She said with a small smile before sitting where he motioned for her too and waiting. He was gone for a good little bit and after a few minutes curiosity got the better of her and she looked around a bit. First at the plants by the doors, which were fake, and such a shame because fake plants were stupid. She knew better than to go behind any counters. When Drake came back to her, Jo was looking at a few of the machines. Namely the Leg Curl machine, she looked at when he said he was ready to go. "Oh okay…...hey um, Drake. What is this machine for?" She asked before giggling when he answered. "Oh..it looks like one of those sex machines Randa jokes about." She said, giggling a bit again before following him out of the gym. The walk to the record store she asked about the other machines at the gym. Glad to have something to focus on other than her and Alex for a bit. At least she knew a lot about the record store, she really liked the owner of this one. After Alex had taken her here a few times, she started making this a stop when on this side of town. The owner was a half breed fae, which Alex hadn't known before bringing her here. It was really modern looking to attract customers, but you could see some of the touch of personalization of someone born in the 70s and trying to keep the vibe alive still. In a lot of ways the owner reminded her of Cole. A bell jiggled as they opened the door to the low lit small store and the head of a tiny blonde woman with braided hair peeked over the counter at the noise. "Oh hi!" She greeted Drake, seeing him first. "Did you come for more posters? We just got some new ones on track last night." She asked before seeing Jo peek around him and wave. The owner did a quick peek around to make sure that they were the only ones in the store before greeting Jo in fae. "Hey Frankie, you're looking well." Jo answered brightly before going up to the counter. "Did you happen to get any of the records from Alex's list yet?" She asked sweetly. Frankie smiled a bit. "I think I do in the back." She answered, gesturing for Jo to follow her, and they left Drake in the front of the store. "You had me worried you left Alex for muscles." She said before looking through her boxes. "Oh Drake?" Jo laughed a little. "No, he is dating my older sister." She said, seeing a slight look of disappointment at the news. When Frankie found what she had gotten in, they went back up to the front and Jo checked out. If Drake brought any posters, Frankie half prized them since he knew Jo. And once they left the store Jo smiled up at Drake. "So….Frankie has a huge crush on you." -- Logan shook his head a bit when they described the fight that Alex and Jo had last night. "It sounds bad but I'm glad that I missed the argument. I still remember the last one at school. Pretty sure Jo could beat Alex's ass if she wanted." He said with a small chuckle. Logan nodded a bit smiling when Clary said she was going to make him breakfast just cause. Before chuckling as she went into a rant about having to sleep again. "Because it's part of being alive sis. One of the worst parts." He answered this was one of his favorite new rants of hers. Even he had to sleep still, granted only two hours were really needed but he kind of loved to sleep. The girls invited him to go to have a picnic in the park with Sal and Will and he smiled. "Yeah that sounds like fun." He said before nodding at Cole saying that they didn't want them to go on their own. "Right. Plus it's important to keep our eyes on eachother. Better safe than sorry right now. What time are we going?" He said before getting up to take a shower. Kissing Clary's cheek on his way out before she said he would have to tell them how the restaurant was. "Of course, I'll bring you girls something so you can try the food." He answered before giving Cole a head pat and going to take a shower. Turning his music up and water on scolding. He probably took a bit longer of a shower than he needed but he was enjoying it. It wasn't long after he went to get dressed that he smelt Billie, he glanced at his clock a bit surprised that she wasn't at the gym. Grabbing a towel he headed out of the room drying his hair. He heard talking from the living room and headed in. "Why is it going to be a day?" He asked before seeing the worried look on Clary's face and he looked back at Billie. "What's up?" -- Garret smiled a bit when Randa got up and came into the living room, he was still on the phone though. "A little more than slightly, how the fuck did they even get your name?" He answered Billie over the phone. This was enough to piss him off. This was just a consequence, this was targeted. "Want me to call and pull strings?" He asked. He would find out what newscaster was paid off, for this going on without being questioned. Before making a face and nodding at what Randa said about it being because they didn't go too. "You're welcome." He said before hunting up the phone. He gave Randa a kiss back and smiled a bit. "I've been taking classes." He said proudly. Before shaking his head at what she said. "Logan is going to be pissed that they made her wanted." He said before making his own plate and sitting with her. He shook his head a bit. "I didn't really have anything planned to do. I know they have that park you were doing before and after pictures of, was finished and opened yesterday. If you want to go there and take pictures." He suggested with a smile. "I mostly want to spend the day with you since it's been a week since our days off matched up. Was there anything you wanted to do?" -- Eli sighed and nodded a bit when they said they saw the news. "I know it's not the best excuse, but if anyone looked it up they would see it has delayed four malls being built this year alone. It looks like they just missed the signs when they brought in new equipment last week." He explained before nodding a bit at her saying they did radio broadcasting too, offering them both a coffee. "Yeah, I co-founded the channel for one of Tara's friends." He said with a small smile, not trying to be braggy, as much as proud it was doing so well. He frowned at the news that Kyp was having trouble getting the videos cleaned up because of the old system. Well fuck, that was annoying. At least the wedding info was legit, though if it was as big of an event it seemed, it could also be a suicide mission. "That would make sense, Axel has said that he has noticed a few guys around her and her daughter since she came back on the radar." He said before chuckling at the thing Kyp called him. "Alright Kyp could you get us a list of the possible venues? If this isn't a vampire wedding there isn't a safe way to send a group in without it being noticed. So maybe we could send a couple hunters in to try to register for the week. They could send you the venues that have something booked that week, would that make your search easier?" When Rhi said that they had an issue with one of their captives not being able to get up, he was a little pissed. This wasn't a new issue but Taylor had told him it seemed like it was getting bad again. "Seriously, this is the reason they got babysitting duty." He said with a sigh before checking his phone to see they hadn't tried to call him. "No they didn't. Want to take a trip with me in a bit to see the damage?" He asked. He planned to go over whether she went or not either way. "Oh Kyp if you have the time, do you think you can do a background check on a hunter named Camilla Lusion?" Eli asked before looking at Rhi. "She is from Oliver's area. She called this weekend and asked to join us. I guess the group she leads is headed this way, tracking a group of witches." He explained. Honestly they seemed to get more hunters interested in joining everyday, and though the explosion looked kind of bad. The names added to the database of the ones they had caught and killed said a lot for his and Rhi's plan, it wasn't as wasteful as the others claimed it was. There was a small knock on the door and once Kyp told whoever it was to enter a skinny blonde woman opened the door the best she could with an arm full of files. Nodding a bit at Eli when he helped her get the door. "The older files from the South just came in." She said, sitting the three boxes of files down before looking at Rhi. "Also there is some woman named Ashley in the main lobby asking for you, Rhi." -- [I]Click...click...click.[/i] The tall blonde's heels clicked loudly on the hard concrete floor as she ignored the mindless drones that looked at her as she passed them. Damn things always freaked her out, she wished that Sybil would just kill them. Even if she said they were useful, they were a waste of breath when they had a damn brain. Violent sighed a bit trying not to focus on it or how shitty her night had been, as she got close to the room one of the drones said Sybil was in. "What are you doing here Vi?" She stopped rolling her eyes so hard Adria could probably see them in the back of her head for a moment. They hated each other but she had to remember to show respect though. Violet turned and offered a sweet smile that wasn't really returned with anything. "Adria, darling, it's so good to see you again. I'm glad to see you are back. Missed you before you left." "Yeah I know." Adria answered back. "That's part of an urgent call, Vi." She added as she finally caught up to her. "Should you be here this quickly, after last night?" Violet nodded a bit and started walking again. "I was told to report to Sybil if anything interesting happened." She said with a head shake. "Don't worry no one noticed anything weird about me leaving." She added when Adria gave her an annoyed look. "It better be good, she's in a meeting and going to be pissed if it's not. Wait here." She said before giving the door a sharp knock and heading inside.