[center][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/868848204068814850/873521850309824542/unknown.png[/img][/center] [quote=@Master Bruce] [b][color=6276a9]"If Waller doesn't want you to investigate this, that usually means it needs to be investigated. Give me whatever you have."[/color][/b] [/quote] Steve reached to his back pocket and pulled out a small smartphone. He still couldn't get over the fact that this tiny device had more computing power than anything that had existed back when he had gotten the serum. The level of progress made by the world was staggering. He scrolled through the phone as he spoke. [color=#b496f1]"Everything I have is on here, which isn't a lot. All I know is he was investigating reports of Hydra deploying the Winter Soldier out of Sokovia. I've sent Romanoff to see if she can dig up more on that end."[/color] Pulling up the photos he handed the phone over to Bruce. [color=#b496f1]"As first on the scene we handled all the crime scene photos, before Waller muscled her way in and convinced the UN that since it happened on [i]US[/i] soil that ARGUS should handle the investigation."[/color] He pulled out his old notepad, flicking through the pages until he found the notes he was looking for. [color=#b496f1]"From what we gathered on the scene, and this is all unconfirmed as we never got to keep the physical evidence. We estimated that there were three shooters, other than Fury. Scuff marks and a blood trail indicated they went north from the car however no other traffic cameras in the area seemed to witness anything untoward."[/color] Steve pointed to with his free hand to the phone. [color=#b496f1]"All these notes are in there, I just prefer old fashioned pen and paper."[/color] Steve chuckled to himself. [color=#b496f1]"Except when Waller uses it to keep me from investigating our missing person.[/color]