She could wield enormous power here with a simple act of secrecy. Simply by being an ambassador from Heaven and failing to speak her desire she could paralyze this entire court. None could act against her if they did not know her agenda. If they knew she had duties relating to mortal administration they could offer their services dearly, whereas if they knew she was here to investigate and censure then they could throw rivals and scapegoats at her feet. They seek the shape of her so that they might know how to push her, and how far. In what [i]direction[/i] is always a mug's game to guess. Wind spirits will help or hinder as it suits them, but they would find little satisfaction by blowing about thing she found meaningless. What they crave is relevance and entertainment, and that means that they need to know what they are assisting or thwarting. This of course is dangerous territory as Iupeter's domain brushes against Venus', but more relevant than the dance of the maidens in this moment is that Zhaojun is weary. She is a cat, after all, and a damn sight better a cat than these miserable leopards who allow themselves to be ridden like mules. So with feline imperiousness she climbs atop the offered leopard without a word and immediately rests her head against Jenny's back, whispers her destination and falls into an easy daydream almost immediately. And she does not fear that these sky-spirits will lead her astray because the desire to find out what business a creature such as her has atop a mountain such as this will overbalance any competing trick that they might think of on short notice. And so she nuzzles into Jenny's back and begins to purr.