[h2] Madison [/h2] Madison kept her smile on her face, watching Esme pull from her to go and eat her breakfast. Madison had forgotten about food, not completely needing to eat, although she wondered what food would taste like, since she was different. She turned her eyes back to Sam with a small nod in agreement that she wanted to try out her powers on exterior wounds later on. The idea of being able to help people made her heart swell in her chest, and made her feel just a little more normal, with the Winchesters. She didn’t feel scared around Dean, at the moment, since he had shown that he was both impressed by her, and had a use for her. Those two things together calmed her enough for her to stand near him, without as much fear. Even if Dean didn’t like her, being of use to him was better than being a monster. Madison turned her eyes toward Esme as Sam spoke and laughed gently, “She’s a weird human, but I do…like her. She’s nice. She likes food. She likes me, and Dean likes her.” She beamed at Sam, her eyes shifting toward Esme briefly at the noises she made around her burrito. [h2] Dean Winchester [/h2] As Esme’s hand pulled away from his waist, Dean flinched and let the food bag go as she grabbed it. He watched her all the way to the table, with his eyebrows raised. He had almost forgotten they had bought food, but he knew she was starving long before they left the motel. She was likely ravenous now. When she took a bite of her burrito and exclaimed her appreciation for it, Dean’s heart melted and he smiled over at her, shaken only by his brother’s joking words. He shifted his weight from one foot to the other with a small smirk, proud that his brother and Esme were having a bit of banter about the similarities between Esme and himself. Dean didn’t necessarily agree that they were that similar, but he could agree that he was easy to pick up bad habits from. He had his fair share of bad habits. He couldn’t help but laugh, when Sam chimed in that he could see why Dean would like Esme so much, and shook his head. “I’ve been trying to tell you. I swear she’s the one that got away…”, he spoke honestly, only to his brother, stepping close before patting Sam on the chest with a wink. Esme was truly the only girl he had really mourned over, as far as relationships went. Their relationship was short lived, and fiery, but it had touched a chord in Dean that he didn’t know existed.