With Dean reaching the car, Mika let him get Travers into the back seat whilst she continued to watch on to see if anyone acted like they were taking any notice of them, but still nothing. With Dean standing up after getting Travers in the car, she even hesrd his back pop from where she sat behind the wheel, wincing for him thinking that had to hurt at least a little bit. She followed Dean's movement to the passenger side with her eyes before he got into the car, closing the door behind him. She listened to him explain how no one even looked twice at the altercation which made her sigh and let out a simple 'hmm' in response. She looked at him as he wiped his brow of sweat then tapping her dash. "the motel we're at maybe? I don't know of any abandoned places to take him and that's too risky when we don't know where the skin walker is residing" she replied to him, "at least if we take him to the motel whilst he's out cold, he won't have to know where we're staying and we can knock him out when we wanna get rid of him" she added. She didn't pull out of the space she was half parked in just yet, as she wanted to make sure she knew where they were going before she did so. If Dean was okay with her idea, then she would drive to the motel.