Hi all! So I've been in the mood for a sort of space voyage type 1x1 romance rp ever since watching the movie Voyage. I actually have two ideas my partner and myself could work with as far as the plot. So I'll just get straight down to business. Plot 1: MC grew up on a distant planet all her life. One that was first colonized by a group of scientists years ago, one who, unknown to everyone else on the mission, was with child when the space voyage to this distant planet began. Now as a young adult, she learns a second voyage is going to be landing on their planet, and much to her surprise, on this ship entering their colony to join them, is a boy her age, having spent his whole life on the ship making the voyage to the planet. This would be a romance of course, with the two young adults(them being young so still hormonal young adults lol) meeting someone close to their age of the opposite sex for the first time and figuring out feelings. Possibly anger, jealousy, last, love, romance, rivalry. All sorts of feelings toward one another. And maybe even some sort of twists later with their survival and such if things on the planet go wrong haha. One thought I had was on the second voyage coming in there's different types of people. New settlers, scientists, doctors, etc. And to help protect the colony, soldiers. And that maybe the young man is a solider? Not a must of course, just thought it was interesting haha. Plot two is similar in setup, where MC grew up in space (either on a space station, the moon or mars), never having met anyone her age or had feelings for anyone. But then, for one reason or another, she had to come to Earth for a temporary time frame, where she has to experience all that is earth for the first time, including gravity, all the sights and sounds, and even a boy ;) How she meets YC is up in the air, but we could figure it out. Anyway, that's what I have, though I'm up for ideas and suggestions for plot ideas from my partner as well. I think personally I'm leaning toward wanting to do plot one the most. Just shoot me a quick PM if interested lol