Dean nodded his head as he went over the options for where to take the man. If he was involved with the skin walkers, there was no way they would be able to defend themselves properly in some unfamiliar area, if they showed up to rescue him, or if for some reason he was the skin walker. He stared through the windshield for a second, and then turned to Mika. “We can take him to the motel, make sure he stays out until we get there. You can go in and take care of any stationary or anything that would tell him where we’re staying…I’ll tie him up.”, he spoke clearly, tapping his fingers on the dash with his words,. He turned back to her. “But before we let him go, if we let him go, I’ll knock him back out and stow him in the trunk. We can let him go on the road, and get out of there.”, he explained with a sigh. He didn’t like the plan, as it wasn’t completely fool proof. If he woke up early, before they were able to get inside the motel room and get him tied up, all hell could break loose. He shrugged his shoulders, sitting back in the seat to let her know he was ready to go, and ran a hand through his hair, “It’s the best bet we have…”