Offices. Homes to domesticated men and with all the trappings. Couldn't hardly ken to it. Jonah had been round them long enough to pick up on their habits and their tells a little. Could tell a lot about a modern man by his office. Plain coffee cup. No cutesy shit. No ironic tagline. Gotta inspect further. Coffee inside was coffee, not sugar water with a splash of bean. Swished it around and it didn't change color, no creamer. As it moves around you can see the sides of the cup. Look for rings. There were none. Harper cleans his mug after every use. Attention to detail even where it hardly matters. Good modern man. Proper modern man. Jonah dusted himself off, doing little to no good, before sitting at the man's desk. Chair was likewise a good proper chair. Firm, upright, and at an appropriate height for it's purpose. It was comfortable to sit in yet the ass was not all blown out. He did not spend a lot of time sitting. This was not a desk arranged to "take a load off" or for a long nap as the day drew to a close. A quick look under the desk confirmed what Jonah already knew. There was no foot rest down there. Files on the desk. Acronyms. S.W.O.R.D. That didn't sound good. Sounded military. Sounded experimental. Sounded familiar. Neat lunchbox beside the desk, closed. Sandwich partially eaten on the desk but far from anything it might contaminate or be contaminated by. Corned Beef, Swiss and Sauerkraut on Rye. A Reuben. It looked good. Jonah immediately folded it in half and engulfed it with his mouth. Two large bites and it was no more. One drawer left to inspect, the only drawer left askew. There was not much inside of it. This was Agent Harper's dedicated weapons drawer. Inside the drawer was a large safe, sturdy looking, clean, open with the key still sticking out of the lock, gun and magazine missing. Uncharacteristic. Jonah liked the man. He was meticulously clean. Never something that had applied to Jonah in his life, or now his after-life, but he had come to understand the importance it played in the modern world. Harper was attentive to the small details. He wasn't lazy. He was clean. He was prepared. He was a thoroughly modern man but he likely would have done just fine in Jonah's time. Whatever had happened it must have happened quickly and been immediately and clearly a great danger for him to leave as quickly as he had. When they found out what had set the alarm it would not be a sma- "Good God..." Jonah heard another world's Captain America utter, "Hey! You need to see this. There's something out there and its killed everybody in here, we got to - Lord, and those two went out on their own! Damn it all! We need to fins some way to warn 'em what's coming their way before it's too late."