Mika could hear in Dean's tone that he didn't like the ideas given to him, but she didn't see many other options herself. No matter where they took Travers, it was considered a risk as like he thought of, for all they knew Travers was the skinwalker. Yet his reply to her told her that he saw they didn't have much of an option either and the motel was the closest to safer option out of the ones she listed. She watched his fingers as they tapped continiously on her dash whilst he spoke the idea of him tying Travers up, whilst she did full search and stash anything to give away their location when the man would eventually wake up. She like him, just had to hope that Travers wouldn't wake up before they got to the motel. She looked at him back as he continued talking, nodding in agreement. "I agree, it may not be the most appealing plan but it is the best one we have" she replied to him, pulling out of the parking space and driving to the motel, knowing she would be taking a sheer guess at how to get there. Luckily for them, she managed to find the motel in around five minutes and Travers was still out cold in the process. Pulling into the motel's parking lot, she found a space as far out of eyesight of the reception area as possible, but one that also had an easy getaway route at the same time. Getting a spot, she killed the engine and grabbed her keys. "Stay here, I'll quickly get our room key, you should be out of sight of the reception here, so if he starts to wake up you can knock him back out without peering eyes" she explained to him. Opening the car door, she quickly leaned across and kissed his cheek quickly before getting out of the car and power walking across the lot to the reception building, walking inside and hitting the bell to get a staff member's attention. "Hi, can I help you?" a young girl appeared from the back room. "Hi yes, I've got a prebooked room. Agent Jett, room for two" Mika explained. "ah yes, just need the credit card that it was booked on and a signature in the book" Mika pulled out Bobby's credit card he gave her that he kept just for her room stays, handing it over and then grabbing the pen and signing the book. The girl checked her in, handing over the key, letting Mika thank her and leave. Walking back over to her car and Dean, she swung the key round her finger, acting as casual as possible. "Room 3" she told Dean.