Scarlet sighed and said “he doesn’t mean to be…his just had a rough life…a bloody one…but he is a kind man once you know him” Bane nodded and yelled as the door opened “don’t worry, we won’t let you both into the sea! Just be careful and watch your steps!” Iris moved to a post and move the top around it, to make it easier for weighting it down but able to move. Then the door was shut behind him, and they all started to pray for the pair out in the storm. Avery was fighting the storm when she heard her name being called. She turned and saw Daniel and yelled “what are you crazy! Daniel go back!” She slipped a little bit held on, her body numb now from the strain. She turned the helm and saw what she had been hoping for. A way out of the storm. She moved towards it, hearing Daniel behind her as she said when he reached her “almost out…almost there.” Her skin was raw from the wind and rain, her body tight and stressed.