[quote=@Jeddaven] I envisioned them being in tatters, but I'm not 100% stuck to that. [/quote] [quote=@Yam I Am] I don't think it's out of the picture for them to be on their last legs by the end of Fallout 3. With the BoS' expansion and the Lone Wanderer doing a number on them, I could see it being a case to where they'd be firmly on their back heel...or successfully integrated into the BoS. I was gonna leave it up to the final verdict of [@Crusader Lord], since they'd have the most control over that area as it stands. [/quote] What Yam said is basically the case for the most part. Talon Company would not have been allowed to just shoot the place up as Sarah's BoS went to secure the Capital Wasteland, but not simply gunned down on sight outright either. I can imagine a number looked at the prospect of full-paying official work and took the chance, whilst those who don't want to give up the merc life either fought back (and lost) or were driven out in the end. I'd venture to say most were incorporated into the BoS and as local Republic troops otherwise, and a minority fought back only to get shot up hard and either die or be driven out. Anyone left would be a small handful at best, probably living that mercenary life away from the Capital Wasteland but tempted to go Raider. Or at least this is all that I imagined would have happened to them. If Yam wants to rule some otherwise, like them being fully integrated or dead at this point to keep things simpler, then I'm chill.