By the time Mika got back into the room, she saw Dean getting Travers into the chair which showed her what a good team they truly were. Despite the flinch, she noticed how easily he grabbed the rope and watched him tie the man to the chair, feeling impressed at his rope tying skills. She would have given him some cuffs but she didn't think hers would survive if Travers shifted nearly as well, so the rope was her choice. She kept a watchful eye on the guy in the chair, folding her arms across her chest as she thought about their next move. She glanced at Dean as he cracked his back once again, internally flinching at the sound whilst reminding herself mentally that it was a simple unlocking of stiff joints and nothing life threatening. The idea of letting Travers waking up on his own did cross her mind but shhe wasn't sure how long they would waiting for and they really couldn't afford to waste time waiting around for the guy to stir naturally. They needed answers and fast, as in her eyes the sooner they got answers, the sooner they could change and get prepared. At his second suggestion of playing bad cop, she smirked looking back up at him. "I'd say go for it. We need answers quickly and we don't know how long he'll stay asleep if we just leave him" she replied to him, knowing he was itching to take the lead to some extent. "just be careful incase he is the skinwalker, we're not fully kitted up appropriately yet" she added to him, unfolding her arms and placing a hand on his arm, leaning in and taking this moment to give him a small kiss on his lips whilst she could.