[u][url=https://goo.gl/maps/rCVuusY6QE7jrdXt7]Cloud Gate[/url][/u] [i]Loop, Tenebrae [color=lightgray]Time: Late Morning[/color][/i] [@Lady Seraphina] As Phantasm let her hair loose, Myriad couldn't help but stare. It was like staring in the mirror—the two women seemed so similar now. Their hair was the same, wild and free, wreathing and beautiful. "Katey," she mumbled, eyes turning up thoughtfully. She was finally seeing the real Phantasm. With a small pull, she tugged her own mask to the side, revealing large eyes and a slender nose, and tesseract irises. She knew they were difficult to look at. DIfficult too, to stare too long at the intensity of deep, hurricane eyes. Myriad scrunched her eyes shut, for both of them, and smiled. "Sure, Katey. Friendship names are cool. Tell me mine after your mission, 'kay?" she said. She slid the mask back over her eyes, clipping it into place under the wreath of flaming hair. "Good luck, my friend." — "She's not our friend, Myriad," Arc said. He stood over her, arms folded while she fidgeted in the last folding chair. The streamers and decorations were gone, along with the cake. "You were listening in, weren't you?" her lips pouted. "I got clearance from Control, yes." "Jealous?" she teased. "What could I possibly be jealous of? You're going to be the one jealous when we're all fine and you're a crying mess when [i]our[/i] operation is complete." Myriad huffed, rolling to her feet. "I haven't the faintest clue what you're talking about." A hand pressed on her shoulder, and she fell back into the chair. There was a dark look on Arc's face. "You know [i]exactly[/i] what I'm talking about. She's on the list. It's only a matter of time." Myriad stared up, the denial stubbornly plastered to her face. "She's a good person. She can help us better like this." "You know why we can't do that." Her voice shook. "But she can, she—" "Boss needs her for Operation Suzy, Myriad. And you [i]will[/i] help me when the time comes." "But she"—sharp inhale—"she'll be—" A hand on both of their shoulders. As if he had been there all along, Chronos had his eyes locked hard on Arc, with the definite 'shut up' attitude in his demeanour. Arc narrowed his eyes at Chronos, then turned away from both of them. Over his shoulder, he said softly. "You're not making this any easier for her, Chronos." Chronos simply stared back at him, slowly patting Myriad's shoulder. "Mr. Chronos?" Myriad asked. He studied her expression, seeing a brave face mask the guilt. "Do you, uh," She smiled despite the tight voice. "Do you have any more of that cake?" [hr] [u][url=https://goo.gl/maps/FpH6B4XGad6hC8ic6]Love Street[/url][/u] [i]Lincoln Park, Tenebrae[/i] [i][color=lightgray]Time: Late Morning[/color][/i] [@Lady Seraphina], [@Blizz] [i]"That's for you darling."[/i] "Thank you, ma'am." A shocked voice. Two twenties and a crisp one hundred dollar note, more in tips than she had made in two weeks. It was enough to make a girl cry, and as Rainsinger and Lady Hel left separately, Serena excused herself to the back room where she wiped away watery eyes threatening to burst. Tonight, it would be homemade lamb chops and herb garlic cream, with a plentiful helping of the expensive drink she'd stored for the past year. Tonight, it would be a beautiful night. [hr] [u]Gray Dragons HQ[/u] [i]Unknown, Tenebrae [color=lightgray]Time: Evening[/color][/i] [@Blizz] Adrenaline shot through his veins like ice through a cooler as he watched his own folly. An old tin cup rolled into the clearing, the one his foot clumsily knocked over as he clamoured closer from behind the creates. Ellie's eyes whipped over. [i]"Takeda?"[/i] The doctor's eyes widened. He was caught red-handed. But this was his chance to warn her. Frantically, he gestured with his hands, mouthing silently to run. No amount of silver-tongued words could undo the fearful picture Ellie painted in Akihiro's mind, with black stormy skies and ocean waves cutting away the land. There was a reason they—no, [i]he[/i] labelled certain meta's as 'alpha's'. The protocols he wrote surrounding them could fill an entire encyclopedia. And then another. Then, cold blue eyes turned his way, and Akihiro shrank behind the crate. Rainsinger had spotted him. Akihiro panicked. He had no idea what this meta would do to a spy. He had to get out of here. Maybe with Rainsinger's eyes fixed on him, Ellie would get the hint and make a break for it as well. His ankle twisted the dirt as he coiled to sprint, but just as he was about to run, an alarm rang on his phone. Pale as a ghost, the doctor checked his phone. Sure enough, a red dot glowed on a grid map near Tenebrae's water edge. This meant one thing, and one thing alone—Ellie, Dream and the doctor were officially out of time. "M-mister Rain, uh, singer?" the doctor edged out from behind the crate. "Please, you need to, uh, I mean, it would be, uh, nice? If you l-let Ellie go. Before the h-hear—I mean, uh, my microchip—is gone." The Shadow Knights' team was on their way to the lab. That meant the Knights had a critical head start. Akihiro fidgeted nervously, eyes shifting from Rainsinger to Ellie. If Ellie and Dream didn't make it to the lab in time, the possibility of a lab-wide lockdown from the Knight's intruders would make reaching the lab's entrance impossible. [hr] [U]Oakstreet[/U] [I]Near Northside, Tenebrae [color=lightgray]Time: Evening[/color][/i] [@Shu] The dripping of rain from an overhead pipe came into focus first. Then, the faint scent of gasoline caused the Triad's eyes to flutter. He lifted his face from a greasy back-alley puddle, spitting violently and groaning. He rolled to his side, feeling the bruise forming on the side of his head, and cursed. Dragging himself to a sitting position, he pulled a phone from his pocket, tapping the screen and pressing it to his ear. [code]"So?"[/code] said a sharp voice on the other end. "Jiǎo tà shí dì. She did exactly as you said, and we're now able to proceed with Shan Chu's wishes." the Triad said. [code]"Good. And what about you, Pak Tsz Sin?"[/code] "I'm fine, sir." [code]"Of course you're not. I can tell in your voice."[/code] He hung his head. "She will be in danger now, Fu Shan Chu." [code]"From who, us? You volunteered for this meeting knowing it would go in this way. Grow some backbone."[/code] An unsteady pause, the Triad's eyes shifting away. "Sir, has the team left yet?" [code]"You still think you can save her. That will kill you if the master finds out."[/code] The Triad dutifully nodded. "Thank you, sir. I will be careful." He heard a disbelieving huff on the other end. [code]"Whatever. Get a move on if you want to be with Hung Kwan and the rest."[/code] "Yes sir." He slumped his chin on a raised knee as he pulled the phone away. Fu Shan Chu always saw through him. Over the years, his knack for reading his gang members had only increased, but it was sharp as ever back when their original master died, along with the majority of the Red Lotus Triad. He was there that night. He remembered when he fled the building, and his eyes met hers before a group of Triads attacked Kara, distracting her from pursuing him, and killing him. By all intents and purposes, he should be dead by her hand. And when that knife pulled across his skin, he thought for sure she would finish the job. But instead, he was left in the gutter, dried blood on his neck. And his [i]sweetheart[/i]? She was long gone. That's why Fu Shan Chu held the new master's hand back when the remaining members re-organized themselves. The master's only interest was in putting the souls of the Red Lotus Triad to rest by killing Kara. But when the master voiced his wish for blood atonement, the deputy also raised his voice in Kara's favour. And there was only one man alive who survived Kara that night. Why else would a de-moted, run-away, barely-saved-from-a-Triad's-death-by-swords paper fan be sent to reason with the Triad's grief? The Triad sighed, pulling his limbs in closer. He knew what was at stake, especially if the master caught wind of his personal wish. But he also knew the prize when he saw that terrifying whirlwind of blades and blood tear through his gang members. No one on the planet had the talents she possessed, never mind the superpower behind it. And no one possessed the despairing fire he saw in those eyes when her stare trapped him that fateful night. Anyone who wanted her dead was a fool. But he remained silent. Only the deputy, Fu Shan Chu, had an idea, and if anyone else caught on, he was a dead man. And if that happened, he wouldn't be there to delay the Triad from throwing every hitman in the world at Kara. "Quán lì yǐ fù." he muttered as he rolled to his feet, and limped deeper into the darkness of the alley. [hr] [u]Rooftops[/u] [I]Unknown, Tenebrae [color=lightgray]Time: Evening[/color][/i] [@Shu] Circling the fading Tenebrae skies, a single crow spotted her mark and glided onto the shoulder of a hooded ninja. "My dear, it's been a while." Madame Fauxpaw said in a high, croaking voice. "Did you enjoy your time at the jade palace?" She clicked her beak. "I was caught up earlier; I wanted to talk about your mission tonight." Her lower lid curled up in a smile. "Of course I know, dear. I also know your competition. But don't worry, this classified information is at the request of Master Shen—you won't be charged for it." "Your competition consists of two women, both vigilantes. The first has adaptable strength and speed in her body." "And the other specializes in non-direct combat." A black beak preened the feathers on her wing. "But alas, information is best coupled with thorough recon. Continue your work, my dear. You always did things thoroughly." She leaned in to whisper in Scarlet Shadow's ear. "Be careful, and take the heart quickly." With a flap of her wings, Madame Fauxpaw flew into the darkening skies and was gone. [hr] [U]Sewers[/U] [I]Near Northside, Tenebrae [color=lightgray]Time: Evening[/color][/i] [H3][u]Dream[/u][/h3] Dream lay crushed against the wall of the sewer, costume hanging off her in shreds and a hand pressed over her ribs. The two cyborg Hunters stood over her, weapons ready. "Why," She said, her breath ragged. "Why are you doing this?" "Because we enjoy it," said the giant, punk-vested cyborg to the left. His smaller partner nodded. "Oh yes. The extra little [i]kick[/i]"—her shock bracer knuckles pounded together—"from a meta's powers lets them experience emotions, and pain, sharper than the average human being." She stooped down to squeeze Dream's cheeks with a hand, talking to her as if Dream was some kind of pet. "Making you that much sweeter to toy with." Dream jerked her head away. "Don't touch me." The giant cyborg's voice was mocking. "What, you thought we did this for some noble cause?" Dream coughed, glaring up. "My entire life is ruined because of you." "Ah-ha, I see. This isn't actually about noble causes, is it?" A devilish grin contorted his face. "You wanted a logical explanation, not for the countless metas hunted under your nose," his grin twisted. "But why [i]you[/i] were singled out. Is that right?" The look on Dream's face only made him laugh. "Kid, hunting you down was nothing personal. You were just the next lead we fished out, like a pool of hacked credit cards." He shrugged, disinterested. "You're just an unlucky card." Dream shifted, wincing in pain. "Great. So what now?" The giant cyborg chuckled as he bound Dream's hands and slung her over his prosthetic shoulder. "We're taking you home, of course. After teaching you some manners, you'll be sold, and we'll be rich." "Manners?" He mused, bouncing her on his shoulder. "An immediate surrender would have been better for you. Now? You get to see what we do to ungrateful toys." The other Hunter spoke up. “The torture chamber?” “Perhaps. She hasn't struggled in the past five minutes. So as a reward, I say if she begs us to stop, maybe we’ll make it a little easier. Just a little.” Dream glowered. "You're monsters. The lot of you." They laughed. "Not the first time we've been called that, and it won't be the last." Her limp posture on the cyborg's shoulder could barely contain the rage boiling within her. From the corner of squinted eyes, she could see the Hunters' gaze on the tunnel in front of them, not on her. And as they walked, she saw a broken gate, and beyond it, a waterfall. Dream's tied hands shook as they balled into fists. And, timed in the off-balance between their next step, light exploded from her palms as she shoved off the cyborg. The force was enough to throw him forward, and send her sailing through the air toward the gate. "Stop right there, kid," came a threatening growl behind her. She looked to see the two Hunters with their weapons at the ready. "Save your torture for someone else," Dream said. And with a single wave, she fell back, following the waterfall into darkness. — She woke up spitting salty water as her body came to rest in the shallows. It was pitch black; she couldn't see the hand in front of her face. She could, however, hear the rushing of water behind her and feel the current pressing her against a slope. Coughing and clutching her chest, Dream crawled out of the water, feeling the floor until she came across a curved wall with a rusted texture. Another pained cough, holding up a weak hand. Her surroundings lit up as her fingers ignited. Behind her appeared to be a docking bay, and in front of her, a huge, rusted vault door. She must have fallen quite a ways. This wasn't in any sewer system she knew. Checking her phone for guidance, she found, to her dismay, it was waterlogged. She reluctantly slid it back into a wet pocket. The gate wasn't locked, and after a few minutes of cranking the rusted wheel, Dream pulled the 10-foot door open and stepped into a decaying metal corridor, cobwebs lining the edges. Her hand brushed against a tube on the side of the wall, clearing the dust away. [quote][Code]Laboratory of Microreactor Technology, Section E-49, Conveyor Chute[/Code][/quote] This was the place. The depths of it, at least. Tearing open the zip tie around her wrists with a broken wall pipe, Dream stumbled deeper into the abandoned section of the laboratory and searched for a way deeper into the lab. [hr] [url=https://goo.gl/maps/BJ8arF5P5pY8MPEh8][U]Laboratory of Microreactor Technology[/U][/url] [i]Coastal Waters, Tenebrae [color=lightgray]Time: Late Evening[/color][/i] [@Lady Seraphina], [@Shu], [@Blizz] A light flickered from a computer within the depths of the lab. A system detection. There was no longer any external security system, thanks to King Astra's interference. So, a new automated system was dispatched in its place. A robotic, razor-sharp, quick swimming security system. Satisfied, the internal system deactivated the alert and went back to sleep. [hr] [u]Location: Unknown[/u] [i]Tenebrae [color=lightgray]Time: Late Evening[/color][/i] [h3][u]Astra[/u][/h3] "Corva, we need to talk." Astra's figure filled the doorframe, arms crossed. She turned to face him, seated at the head of the Knight's Control tower. From the anxious glances around her, she gave a wave of her hand. "Give us a moment." She told her assistants, and they pulled off their headsets to sneak around past Astra. He watched them go and pulled the door shut. "You didn't acknowledge Phase II's completion. The beacons are set up in all twenty locations, each one is online and configured." He said. "You watched the entire thing from my retina cam, but didn't say a word over the comms." His head cocked to the side inquisitively. "That never happens." She huffed, tossing jet-black hair back in a disinterested manner. "How can one complete Phase II when Phase I isn't even started?" He studied her for a moment, "Ah, so that's what it is." "For Heaven's sake, I can hear everything rattling around in that skull of yours." "My apologies, Corva." He said, taking a step toward her. She was seated in a business-like fashion in her leather chair, sleeveless black garb and bikini-styled bottoms clothing her pale, glasglow body. A full-body cloak hung from her shoulders, a large hood shadowing her eyes. A mask was absent from her face, as it had been for the past five years. "You know everything in this brain of mine, but I can only hope to figure out your secrets," he said, stretching a hand out to her. "Tell me what's on your mind, my rose." Her eyes simply narrowed at him. "You're hopeless." "Please?" he kept his hand out, a sad smile on his face. She rolled her eyes, taking his hand and standing. Together, they faced the mega computer that spanned the entire wall of the control tower. "I stare at this screen day in, day out," she said softly. Astra kept his silence, eyes on the slender-framed woman. "I've lived here, behind the front lines, for three years, four months and six days. It's enough to almost make me forget what happened five years ago," she said. "And?" Astra asked. "I'm not getting any better sitting here in a soft, sickly sweet chair." "So you're leaving?" A pause. "Corva?" She turned her head. "Operation Phantasm." Astra took a step back, pulling his hand away. "No." He could see the full-bodied Knights emblem cascading down her back as her gaze followed him over her shoulder. Her dark lipstick pressed as she stared darkly. "I'm serious." "But why?" "The day we discovered the Valkyries froze all police investigations on Cassandra Latham's file, I had a feeling this would happen." Astra watched the brows furrow on Corva's pale face, and he inclined his head. "Are you saying this because she's on the list?" "It's because she's not ready to be on the list." Realization dawned on his face, and he smirked. "Sentimental, are we?" "Don't ridicule me, King Astra." she gave him a cool glance. "If we play our cards right, she will have a shot at a normal life." "All for one meta?" "It's more complicated than that." "It always is." She turned away. "We can discuss this in further detail later. You have a mission to prepare for." Astra searched her face, then sighed. "If that's what you wish. But I haven't approved this. Not until you really tell me what's going on." A cold tug at her dark lips. "Very well. Until then." [hr] [center] [img]https://i.imgur.com/3ro0Tub.jpg[/img] [h2][u]GAME POINTS[/u][/h2] [@Lady Seraphina], [@Shu], [@Blizz] [/center] [i]Congratulations! Juicy points have been earned by our protagonists. Ellie confronted her fears and met Rainsinger. [indent] +1 will point earned. [/indent] Scarlet Shadow refused to work with the Triad. [indent] +1 will point earned. [/indent] Phantasm caught a private investigator's eye at Cloud Gate. [indent] +10 notoriety points earned.[/indent] Dream fought off the Hunters. [indent] +1 will point earned.[/indent] These points have been applied to your stats. Notoriety points affect the world around you, how people view you, and your infamy. It leads to buffs, conditions, and permanent perks. Will points are critical for the final boss. Keep taking action to discover other types of points![/i] [center] [color=lightgray][b]~ * ~[/b][/color] [h1]Chapter Two - Struggle Underneath[/h1] [/center] [u][b][h3]TIME SKIP: 12:00 AM[/h3][/b][/u] [@Lady Seraphina], [@Shu], [@Blizz] The skies faded to darkness, and a cloudy, black uncertainty blocked out the starlight as the clock struck twelve. [hr] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/SyMoqoe.jpg[/img][/center] [u][url=https://goo.gl/maps/eRPNBpqBsBHCBgGg9]City Hall[/url][/u] [i]The Loop, Tenebrae [color=lightgray]Time: Midnight[/color][/i] Astra tapped his comms. "Chronos, Myriad, are you in position?" [code]"Yes, we're just searching for any late-night employees."[/code] Myriad buzzed in his ear. He nodded. "Wonderful. Keep me updated." [code]"Yes sir. Over and out."[/code] He stepped forward and looked over the sea of police cars. The choppers overhead turned, and three spotlights snapped to his position, illuminating the dark Knight. He could hear frantic shouting and the sound of guns being unholstered. Astra, cloak flapping in the midnight wind, simply cocked his head forward. "Well, let's get this show started." From his shadow, black ooze spilled out, forming 8 foot long tentacles. The black ooze speared the rudder of the choppers, causing flight failure. Pilots made their emergency ejections as the choppers fell, one of them setting fire to the sea of cop cars. The officers began their assault, lighting up the night in a cacophony of bullets. Astra dodged to the side and a black wave rolled forward, pushing the majority of officers, cars and flaming choppers to the other side. They looked at him with terrified faces as the ooze suffocated them against metal and concrete. As the wave released, one of them pointed his gun. "S-stay where you are, terrorist!" Astra smiled, silver mask glinting in the firelight. "Oh, I'm flattered you recognize me." Another step forward, python-like tentacles whipping out. "Now, if you could all do me a favour and head home"-the officers' knees buckled as tentacles constricted and squeezed-"before I break something?" With cries of fright, the police officers struggled against the tentacles, kicking enough to break free and scramble away. "Get back here, fight for your city!" The leading officer called out. He and a handful of officers held their ground despite the vice-like grip of black ooze threatening to snap their legs in two. "C-call the military," was all the run-aways said before they disappeared down the opposite street. The leading officer heaved in surprise as the black tentacles shifted, suspending him by the ankles. The officer tried to aim at the ooze with his gun, but another tentacle wrapped around his trigger finger, keeping it in place. "Now, now, officer," Astra said darkly, putting enough pressure on the finger to [i]almost[/i] dislocate the joint, and the officer yelped. "Don't make my job any more difficult." "Go to Hell." The leading officer spat out, half-delirious with the blood rushing to his head. Astra just laughed, tossing the officer back, watching him roll haphazardly in ooze and concrete. "That's my home," he said. His eyes shifted to the remaining police force, seeing the pale expressions on their faces. He released the tentacles from their feet, gesturing with his hand. "Leave." He said. Their reluctance caused his eyes to roll. "So noble. Listen, I can give you another demonstration,"—the tentacles swirled irritatedly around them—"or you can follow your companions and leave City Hall." They stared at him, jaws set. He sighed. "Alright, then." Black tentacles constricted around the officers, throwing them against the front of City Hall. The large pool of darkness around Astra's feet grew, more tentacles with razor-sharp tips rising, poised and ready to strike. "Another demonstration it is." [hr] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/rwOkalp.jpg[/img][/center] [url=https://goo.gl/maps/BJ8arF5P5pY8MPEh8][U]Section C-13, Residential Deck, Laboratory of Microreactor Technology[/U][/url] [i]Coastal Waters, Tenebrae [color=lightgray]Time: Midnight[/color][/i] [@Blizz] What looked similar to a five-story hospital complex, the front of it jutting out of the cliff face was the underwater research facility Takeda had fretted about. Circling the facility, with metallic teeth and red eyes, swam 12-foot long robot sharks, reacting to every moment in the waters with bloodthirsty intent. Their numbers, easily visible, were five in total. They would pose a problem if Ellie and Rainsinger were to get inside through the easiest point of entry. Section C's observation deck was the entry point Doctor Takeda recommended. From the front of the visible five-story lab, it was near the bottom on the side. One could see a circular dome jutting out of the cliff, and one could gain entry through the open hatch and wet deck at the bottom. Section C went deep into the cliff face for 100 metres. Doctor Takeda said it was a residential area and recommended dowsing every room in sleeping gas before entering. However, when Ellie began moving through the rooms and corridors, she found it covered in a thick layer of dust, and water dripping from the ceiling. Parts of the section were partially submerged in water. The Residential Deck must have been abandoned years ago. Ellie would want to make her way to the opposite end of the section where a room labelled 'Section C-127' held an elevator. Along the way, she would find abandoned lab coats, decayed toothbrushes, and old ID badges. The elevator would take her to Section B-127, the Research and Recreation Deck. — [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/NN8iLFB.jpg[/img][/center] [u][url=https://goo.gl/maps/BJ8arF5P5pY8MPEh8]Section B-127, the Research and Recreation Deck[/url][/u] [@Blizz] As the elevator doors opened, Ellie and Rainsinger saw a long, dark corridor filled with aquatic test subjects in low-lit tubes. At the end of the corridor, they saw a barred doorway filled with crisscrossed, high-voltage red lasers. And between them and the doorway, a handful of scientists and bodyguards that, when the elevator opened, immediately looked her way. One of the scientists dropped their clipboard in fright, shrieking. The four other scientists shrank behind the three bodyguards, who quickly surrounded Ellie and Rainsinger with hands on their holsters. "Who are you? Where's your ID badge?" they demanded. One unbuttoned their holster, suspicion in his eyes. "Hands where I can see them. No fast movements." — Akihiro chewed his nails, eyes on the glass screen in his cramped, dark apartment room. He had a GPS signal on Ellie but knew the cell service was lost deep below sea level. Once Ellie was below the water, all he could do was wait. A part of his screen was lit up in blue and red as his system attempted hacking the research facility, but as it wasn't his field of expertise, it was taking a while. Not to mention he was going toe-to-toe with one of the highest security labs in the world. The system buffered at 51% completion, searching for a way to decrypt the next access port. He mumbled anxiously and went to put on a pot of coffee, rubbing the sweaty curls off his forehead. This was going to be a long night. [hr] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/KHuDOJL.jpg[/img][/center] [url=https://goo.gl/maps/BJ8arF5P5pY8MPEh8][U]Section B-13, Laboratory of Microreactor Technology[/U][/url] [i]Coastal Waters, Tenebrae [color=lightgray]Time: Midnight[/color][/i] [@Shu] Scarlet Shadow, fully loaded with necessary mission gear, comms, and dressed from head to toe in an exo-aqua suit, boarded the submarine with her pilot. They quickly dove into the depths of Tenebrae's waters and headed for the lab 500 meters out. It stood out against the dark waters. Five stories of steel and reinforced glass, lights within the hallways, people in white coats walking here and there. The pilot killed the sub's lights and came in slow, however, the sub was detected by the automated security system. From behind, massive, sharp teeth tore into the hull of the submarine. Water gushed in through the widening holes. "Get out of here! I'll blast the gates open." the pilot said to Scarlet Shadow, pushing her into the escape hatches. The shark bit down on one of the loaded bombs, causing the sub to explode, but not before two warheads fired off. Scarlet Shadow used her super-speed to narrowly miss the worst of the shock waves as she swam out of harm's reach. Watching the crumpled remains of the submarine and shark sink into the cliff's chasm, she made her way to the loading bay door. She swam through the bent, broken panel, reaching the wet dock of an empty loading bay. Removing the aqua suit inside, she hid it in an old crate and slipped into the air ducts. Time passed as she navigated the air ducts, avoiding the automated security system until one of the systems, a robotic wasp, caught her by surprise. Even after crushing the bot, more homed in on her location, until she was forced to make an emergency exit. However, when she landed in what should have been a dusty storage closet, she instead found herself in the centre of a huge, occupied lunch room. Slack-jawed, spat juice, and dropped forks were the initial reactions as scientists and security guards alike rushed to their feet. "Intruder!" "Alert control!" Scientists fled through the left sliding steel door, heading to the control room to alert the rest of the lab. The security guards, totaling eight, pulled out their handguns and tasers, moving quickly to surround the intruder. "Put your hands up!" they shouted. If Scarlet Shadow didn't move fast, the lab would be alerted and her eight guards would quickly turn into 100, and an impossible lock-down would encompass the entire lab, barring anyone from reaching the heart. [hr] [url=https://goo.gl/maps/BJ8arF5P5pY8MPEh8][U]Section B-54, Restricted Corridor, Laboratory of Microreactor Technology[/u][/url] [i]Coastal waters, Tenebrae [color=lightgray]Time: Midnight[/color][/i] [u][H3]Dream[/h3][/u] "Miss? Excuse me, miss?" Dream looked up from her mop and bucket. Her costume was switched for a gray, large-fitting custodian jumpsuit with a hat over her black bonnet. The security guard stared her down. "No one's allowed in this corridor, miss. It leads to a hazardous chemical spill." She scratched her head. "Chemical spill? I don't remember anything like that." Coming up through Section E, she only came across half-finished projects, garbage, and piles of dust. The guard gave her a disapproving look. "It's in everyone's policy booklet, didn't you read it?" She mentally slapped herself. "Oh. Well, uh," her mind scrambled. "I'm the newest member on the team." He shook his head. "Recruit or not, there are no exceptions. I'll have to talk with your manager. Let me see your ID." The jumpsuit she scavaged from Section E lacked an ID card. If she wanted to play the recruit right, she'd have to lie. Her eyes shifted to the side. "That? I lost it." The guard narrowed his eyes. "You lost it...?" "Yes. Thankfully someone else let me through the door so I could start my work." The guard took a step back, eyes studying her. "Right. And it's a beautiful day under the sea for hard work, right?" Dream kept her silence. His stance, and the specifically asked question, made her feel like he was saying something in code. Had he caught on? "Miss?" She abruptly turned away. "I'm busy, and I will report you if you interfere with my work." He stepped forward, pressure in his voice. "Answer my question." Silence again. He made an irritated noise, hands on his hips. "You really have no idea how things work down here, do you? 'Lost' ID, you're in a restricted area, and a blatant refusal to answer the security question that's in a [i]real[/i] employee's handbook." Dream sweatdropped. "Now, I can explain—" He simply raised a hand to stop her and pulled a pair of handcuffs off his belt. "Ma'am, I'm putting you under arrest for suspicion of espionage, fraud and theft of property. You have the right to remain silent, and to request the presence of a lawyer." As he grabbed her wrist, she reflexively swiped with her other hand, a streak of light morphing to smash him across the jaw. He fell to the floor, and she began dragging him into the abandoned corridors of Section E. A few minutes later, she emerged dressed in a loose-fitting security guard uniform, bulletproof vest, walkie and handgun strapped to her utility belt. She moved swiftly down the hall into the main part of Section B. If they were watching the cameras in the restricted area, she only had a few minutes before a security team was dispatched to her location. She had to find the heart. Or else, tonight would turn out ugly, fast.