[@Forsythe] [@Goldeagle1221] [@Kumbaris] [@Ozzy Cross] Shina knew it wouldn't be long before her friend threw a fit...after all...Minnow had not been this busy in ages! She chuckled at her response to the princess's maid outfit, she knew it wasn't Minnow's style, but maybe she was trying something new? She baulked at the term 'pet dragon' though, she didn't want people to think she had started siding with dragons. There was no denying that she needed the dragon's help, but she was not her pet and certainly not her friend...it would take a long while before that would happen. But her existence would surely help them through some sticky spots. [color=green] 'Hah sorry Minnow, sorry! I didn't mean for everyone to barge in like this. And thank you for letting your new 'servant' go with us, I promise I will TRY to bring her home safely' [/color] Shina thought about it; it wouldn't do well at all to be associated with the death of a princess! She would have to protect her...what a bother! Shina turned and walked out of the inn, princess in tow and saw the dragon curled up. She asked whether Shina could tell her what Guan looked like... [color=green] 'Hmm well, he is about my height, long grey hair and he tends to wear his lucky satchel with him. I'm afraid there are not any other interesting features, at least nothing to see from high above. He does have a scar across his face, and i'd recognise him straight away from his smell....he always smells like sandlewood. [/color] [hider=Guan] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/47/8b/28/478b285f2245bb4b2302f17f2558e2d3.jpg[/img] [/hider] As she remembered, she felt her heart sink. What if he was gone? She never got to tell him how much his training had helped her over the years. More than that, after the blacksmith died, he became like an Uncle to her. She choked back a sniffle [color=green] 'OK we'll wait her a little longer for anyone else that wants to join. After that, I need to get my gear from the workshop. Thaddeus, do you need to get anything before we go?' [.color]