[@LegendBegins] Enma looked around them, realization dawning him on whats happening as the hats moved closer. As he turned arouind he made eye contact with the mettaur behind, the large blank white eyes of the virus starteled him as he stumbled forward the opposite direction towards Aki. Seeing that the girl was approaching the group of hats. [color=a187be]"Wait wait wait what are you doing?! Y-you don't know .. WHAT these things are, get back here!"[/color] He warned the girl as he tried to stand back up. [color=ed145b]"It's too late to create distance! You need to go on the offensive before its to late."[/color] Commanded the Navi in his expanse caller. Enma looked down at the device, still on the ground, [color=a187be]"What am I supposed to do? I don't know how to fight!"[/color] He complained back to the red navi as he looked back at the staring mettaur behind them, its blank, cold eyes staring back at him.