Some ways away from town was the shack of the local skald Gunner Gunnerson. Currently the skald in question was suffering a hangover as he sat up from his cot. Gunner toss the empty bottle away before he stumbled onto his feet with a groan. He rubbed his temple as another way of headaches hit him [color=4169E1]"By the gods what did I do last night?"[/color] The question was left hanging in the air. The skald try to remember the events of last night. Last thing Gunner did remember was sharing one last drink with the other members of the expedition he recently sign onto. The ogre maneater got out a bottle of some ogre moonshine and challenge the group to drink it. Gunner rose to the challenge and down the bottle then everything went black. Leading him back to the morning. [color=4169E1]'Last time I am drinking the concoctions made by the ogers for a while'[/color] Gunner figure he should head into town and find something to cure his hangover. If that fail he would go drink it off. Make sure he looked presentable the skald set off to town.