Carol's piercing gaze bored through the boy's own, seeing the spirit that inhabited that flesh. She'd stay quiet for a moment, holding onto that cat like smile a moment longer. She took a few moments to process all these new details about her newest object of interest. [color=39b54a]"Oh Mr. Arnault doesn't concern me. My concerns are far beyond your tiny understanding."[/color] She'd snark in a smug tone. She'd walk around Montag, proudly showing off the black mark down her neck with no effort to hide it. The tattoo appeared to morph and change in Montag's vision. The snake would squeeze tightly around the dagger, climbing up to get a better view of the detective. It was so fast a movement like an illusion of the eyes than anything real. [color=39b54a]"You look a little familiar, reminds me of a cop I knew. Not sure you're quite who you appear to be, not that we really are either."[/color] Some of the servants would watch the scene from afar, Montag had gathered a lot of attention in a short amount of time. All of the serving staff watching carried those same black mark tattoos. Some had ink on their arms, others on their leg. Like Carol's they would morph and transform if gazed upon, as if they carried some sort of spirit inside of them. Carol continued to toy with her prey, suddenly getting behind Montag and speaking directly into his ear. [color=39b54a]"I strongly advise you get going here, 'waiter' boy. Things are about to get very interesting and I am not sure you are going to want to be around when it starts. The exit is this way."[/color] Carol prodded him towards the kitchen Montag first came through with a hand. It was becoming increasingly clear they had their own mysterious agenda for Meropis Villa and had figured out Montag as a third party actor they wanted no interference with. Montag could attempt to pry into these strangers and try and get a glimpse of their plans but that carried clear risks with these threatening stares and sinister tattoos. They were prime suspects of the murder soon to happen this evening, just a flight of stairs away from Marie. --- [color=8882be]"Oh yea yea. We all want change, I understand. Threatening my villa and reputation however is a lot more different than asking for change, lady."[/color] Thomas's tone sours as his patience wore thin. He'd take a moment to compose himself. [color=8882be]"Alright, I'll write a check for seven hundred and fifty dollars, alright? I don't believe you're not affiliated with someone, but it's clear Bob was the one to do it. Whatever, just tell me where to send it and I'll send it."[/color] He'd flip out a checkbook from his chest pocket, quickly thumbing over to a blank slip and beginning to fill out the information. With some quick strokes of a black pen, he passed over the filled out slip to the confused priest. [color=8882be]"Now with all due respect to God the creator and the Virgin Mary, get the hell off my lawn."[/color] He'd growl to Abigail, thrusting the check into her hands. Above the pair on the balcony, a girl leaned on the railing to observe the conversation below. They were behind Meropis Villa now, where the bedrooms lay for its residents. Marie Arnault watched her father do his business, finding the entire exchange amusing. [color=bc8dbf]"Are we giving out another bribe, Dad?"[/color] She'd call down from the balcony with a big smile on her face. [color=8882be]"Marie! I told you if you didn't want to socialize then stay in your room!"[/color] Thomas shouted back up in an instant. [color=a187be]"I like to find my own entertainment, dad. Your big parties are just full of boring people trying to impress me. I'm fine here reading my books." [/color] [color=8882be]"I don't have time for this. Take the check and do as I asked."[/color] Thomas returned his attention to the priest, already preparing to leave. [color=8882be]"And you! Stay inside as I told you to!"[/color] He'd bark at Marie, pointing a finger at her. Marie would watch on from above with her bored expression, unphased by her father's warning. She was a girl who had it all in her luxury life but never could find that thrill that came to people who lived outside her tiny bubble. She'd look over Abigail with some awe, always enjoying those that gave her father a hard time. Slowly she began to retreat inside, stretching out her arms and clearly in no hurry. Her arms were held behind her back and she swayed in the evening breeze, wishing she had some better music than the noisy band outside. There was the girl to protect, relaxed and calm. How Abigail would find a way to get upstairs to her or persuade her or her father of the danger tonight would be a challenge in of itself.