[hr] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/cl86vjI.png[/img][hr] [color=#ff7f00]Location:[/color] Feast Hall of the Slain [color=#ff7f00]Skill:[/color] [/center] [hr][hr] Dalisy winced as she could just hear Lara say the oath was bound. Her heart ached and she wanted to punch something already. Lara didn't know why Dalisy hated her, but that right there was the key reason. It wasn't even the actual Oathbinding that was an issue. It was the fact that her sister could do the same thing. Dalisy had heard her sister a few times say the exact same thing. She leaned into Anora's arm and gave her a smile. Trying to be as genuine as possible. [color=#ff7f00]"Yeah, let's go join them."[/color] She stood up and gathered her plate and drink and moved with Anora and Klara over to the others. She couldn't quite keep her smile plastered on. [color=#ff7f00]"Uh, hi."[/color] She said plopping down into an empty seat. Dalisy didn't think she had to explain herself or that she had promised to be nice, especially since Lara had apparently heard the damn promise and had bound it.