As Travers spoke about it being his wife and how it was out of character for her, Mika found herself listening intently whilst trying to figure out why someone who wouldn't normally be a kill junkie would just turn. It didn't make any sense to her at all and she looked at Dean as he looked at her after he stepped closer to her. The wheels kept turning in her head as to what could be the reason, so far coming up blank. "all I know is that not that long ago she was the perfect wife and then one day she started going out at night more, coming back and being secretive about where she's been, but I always saw blood on her hands. I'm trying to get through to her, but nothing is working so far. One night I heard her on the phone to someone but I don't know who...I'm concerned she's got involved with some kind of group" Travers explained. Mika listened to his wording carefully, "like a skin walker gang or something?" she asked him, glancing at Dean for a moment before looking back at Travers. "I don't wanna say yes but it's the only conclusion I've come up with. I fear that officer you saw me chatting to is part of said group. I tried to convince him to tell me the truth or convince her to leave but he just told me I was being paranoid" he replied. Mika looked at Dean once again, "if he's right, then we need to find this group. We csnt let a skinwalker gang roam wild in this town" she said to him in a hushed tone. "please, just help me save my wife" Travers said to them. "I'll give you a picture of her, I'll help anyway I can" he added out of desperation.