Mika didn't like their odds at all either, but she felt like they had to do something instead of just walking away. Yet she was wishing it didn't turn into such a big job, just like Dean was hoping. "I don't like the odds either Dean but we can't do nothing, you know it's against our nature to just walk away." she whispered back to him. She hated that for all they knew the whole town could be one of those monsters, though she did think that level of infestation to be unlikely. She looked at Travers as he begged them to help and sighed, seeing how worked up Dean was becoming over this whole situation. She let Dean do the replying to Travers, seeing that it seemed he really did have the same opinion as herself and agreed to help as best they could. "Thank you, will you untie me?" Travers replied, knowing if he was going to help hunters of all people then he would need to be untied. He just had to hold out a little bit longer and then he would be free and away from the hunters, yet he was also fully aware that it wouldn't be easy to just make a run for it. He needed to really think about his gameplan as it wouldn't be long before they find out he was lying through his teeth about the whole situation. If he could be just untied he would be able to fight his way out, kill the hunters, and make a run to his group for safety. He was impressed that he managed to be a good enough liar that he actually got them feeling sorry for his situation and a wife that he didn't even have.