[h2]Corinne and Liliane[/h2] With the skeletons now out of the picture, Corinne recovered adroitly, although seemingly puzzled over something. [color=tomato]"Was zis not a monastery? Zen... why are zese skeletons here?"[/color] After all, one would think that the place [i]most[/i] resistant to the intrusion of the undead would be a former holy site; even buried, the goddesses weren't known to be totally disconnected from their places of worship. For mindless undead to be attacking anything that came into their domain suggested that something had gone quite seriously wrong in the intervening centuries. [color=skyblue]"Put that down. And go see if there's more skeletons ahead."[/color] Liliane, meanwhile, had approached the fairy. And gently tapped her head. If she was going to come along, the least she could do was take advantage of few things reacting to fairies and see if the path was clear...