Looking for anybody who wants to play any of the kids of the avengers OC or AU characters are welcome around 2 or 4 paragraphs will be needed each response. [hider=My Hider] " All I want is a Chance to show my father wasn't a monster" Name: Torokasui Lokison Villian or Hero Name : Lonesome Kitsune Race: Demi-God Personality : -Quick Witted -Determined -Cold -Rough around edges -Kind -Loving -Devoted to those close to him Powers or Abilties -Music control: control vibrations in music and make amazing music with very little - Magic: Much like his father he is a master of magic and magical attacks and illusions - Kitsune Form - Shapeshift into a Fox from Japanese folklore has four tails - Ice manipulation : Controls ice and crates ice Skills -Master Swordsmanship -Martial Art Mastery - Folklore knowledge - Sushi Cooking Mastery [img]https://tse3.mm.bing.net/th?id=OIP.P5K5xXnjNLQqOeEsZs6lnQHaHb&pid=Api&P=0&w=300&h=300[/img] [/hider]