[@Mistress Dizzy] Droka had noticed the woman that was approaching him rather easily. To be fair it wasn't like she had been going to any actual length to try and hide her interest or her approach. He didn't ignore her either, but it wasn't until she had curtsied that he offered her his full attention and a respectful bow in return. "Good evening to you as well. You are correct in that I am rather late to the festivities." He answered easily enough in her native tongue of Apura; His mother had insisted that he learned it in respect for her culture, even if it was only used at home or when speaking to humans travelers from her homeland. "Unfortunately there was a rather unavoidable change of plans on our part. You see my elder half brother was meant to be in attendance instead, but in his vainglorious pride he decided to get himself killed in a duel just as the carriage was packed. Had to delay the trip by several hours so that I could properly pay my respects to him before coming." For someone talking about the sudden, untimely death of a sibling Droka didn't seem that broken up by it. In fact he seemed to be rather relaxed. "Then again he dedicated his whole life to be an inconvenience to everyone around him, it seems only fitting that his death do the same. Prince Droka of Tushina." He introduced himself easily enough, offering another small bow as he did so before requesting "And who's company might I be enjoying?"