[color=silver][h1]Western Oregon, I-5, Northern Frontier June 16th, 2284 Mid-Evening[/h1][/color] Finally the mission started. [i]Finally[/i] the mission started. Alexis already got bored of staying in one place during her life as a raider, after her second given chance, it became worse for her. Unable to move too much without pain which made her want to stay put and fiddle with armors and the sorts but at the same time, unable to escape her wanderlust. When Darya approached her and was told about the mission, she was excited. A long time ago, excitement for her meant killing someone slowly being drugged on different drugs. Everything changes after that day for her. As she was lost in her thoughts, she hit her foot on a pre-war vehicle. "[color=silver] Shit! That hurt! [/color]" yelled Alexis. Pain shooting through her whole leg. Shaking her head, she started to actually pay attention to the area around them. Long gone were the swampy sights of the Commonwealth or the desert of the Mojave. Mutated trees and pre-war wreckage everywhere you could see. Klamath was shit-hole run by the NCR but that was expected of them. She had to cover her face and wear her longer clothes to hide her trademarked appearance. The Mecha Witch. As soon as they left, she moved her mechanical arms and oiled them with oil bought from the market. The team composed by Darya was even weirder and crazier than the crew she used to lead. A nightkin, a super mutant, a medical robot, someone who resembled very slightly the Institute synths she tortured for her arms and a very hot lady which Alexis made a point of learning her name, Jacelyn and a dude who she saw in the market when she was buying oil. A group like this would surely stand out and maybe keep her old comrades, the raider tribes, away from the group. Finally Darya signaled that the time to set up camp for the night has come. Perfect, Alexis thought. Her legs started to hurt already and she needed to rest. *** Alexis was struggling with a rough nightmare which she always seemed to have, haunted by the faces of those that died by her hand when Darya screamed : "[color=gold]Everyone up! We're under attack! [/color]" Rising quickly from her half-sleep state, she put on her NVG patch and saw the wolves approaching. A lot of them. She prepped her power fist and with the other hand, the 9mm pistol she carried. Aiming at the creatures, she took a few pot shots at them. Her mechanical arms moving behind her in almost constant motion to hit or at least warn her if someone attacked from behind.