Toby was surprised to see his former master of all people in the chaotic skies above Olysium. He had to blink a couple of times as he saw the fast approaching wyrm. His mouth was open as he made the motion to signal him. It was at that time that he noticed too late that he and Alexa were in the line of fire. He was just able to utter a half fearful half angry[color=00aeef] “OH Shit!”[/color] and gripped the blonde Knight in front of him tight not knowing what else to do. The young girl half turned her head and asked exasperated and surprised. [color=9e0039]“What the F..”[/color] The sound of the weapon firing and the loud explosions near them as the force field that alter Eilis put up protected them extinguished anything further she had said. The pair blinked a couple of times as the air around them burned and flashed. The young mage felt the immediate pull on the Thread as if his very being was being tugged. He looked at the bright manifestation of Eilis and he could not help but shudder. As if in answer to his unasked question and growing premonition, he heard Arn’s strong voice through the din of battle. [color=0054a6]“Toby! It is not safe near us right now. Go and get Tyrhallan. I will join up with you once I have this sorted.”[/color] Toby gave his master an annoyed look but he also knew Arn enough to know that he needed to trust the man. He tapped the lovely knight’s shoulder and said.[color=00aeef] “We need to go help the Knight Captain.”[/color] Alexa looked back at Toby and then upward at the spectacle of crackling magic that was Eilis and made a disgusted face. [color=9e0039]“You mages and your secrets. I was already going to go help Captain Venray. A Brightwind is a bannerman of the Venray. We will always come to their aid.”[/color] The young knight the spurred her moutn ahead. The greenish Wyrm beating her winds strongly. [color=9e0039] “Come Emerald, come on girl faster!”[/color] Alexa urged her mount as they zipped by other Dragon Knights and evaded both fire and magic. The closer they got to the frigate that Tyrhallan was on, the more opposition they faced. Suddenly, the pair spotted the crimson lord. [color=9e0039]“Captain Tyrhallan! We have come to your assistance!”[/color] Shouted the blonde girl.