[@Tsukai][@HEAVY METAL] I would say on the times and as surface dwellers, Cursive would be a quick skill and calligraphy would be a more advanced skill [since you need ink, a quill, and need to know how to use such tools] I am with Tsukai on this, there are no countries/continents/really owned areas anymore. America, China, etc... have completely vanished and what is left of them are forgotten memories and ruins from the old world. You have major areas like Oceania, Ortish, Caverns of Kilfi, and the Africans. You could make a sub-area for example: "I come from a land that once was called Eastern Asia, but we are the land of the ___ monks. I do agree, you can flesh the backstory out, but you do not have to do that right now. Also, you have to remember -- If your character is trained out of the Caverns of Kilfi when he goes to the Caverns, he will start out at square one no matter his age and experience of teachings. {Which could do a lot of character development; emotionally and mentally having to redo stuff]