Raddek was just finishing his inspection, checking the integrity of his armor via a small diagnostic from his forearm scanner, coming up at the expect 100%. At full capacity, he could survive in the vacuum of space and getting hit by a gauss rifle, but the lower its integrity, the less protected he would become from both internal and external forces, not that he wasn't tough beneath the armor. No man in Raddek's position could have made it this far with a soft body wrought of comfortable surroundings. He looked up when he heard his new 'partner's' approach, looking at her through his visor. "Took a lot of work to get all this, yeah," he admitted, strapping it all to him and hefting his 680 Gauss Rifle. He sat casually, not wanting to appear standoffish. Raddek knew how valuable teamwork was, so he didn't want to be cold. "You're one to talk." He said, placing a boot on one of the barrels in front of him. Above the two of them, the clock ran down from the start of the hour, simultaneously showing how many meters they still had to travel through orbit. She carried herself like a soldier; he had no doubts she knew what she was doing. Granted, he didn't see many women hunters. Be they xenos or human, and he thought he heard in the briefing she was both. He wondered if she could do anything that he wouldn't be capable of, but he supposed if he needed to know, she would have said so by now. He reached his hand out for her to shake, nodding. "Name's Raddek. What gear do you have on you?" He asked, attempting to ascertain their capabilities. "I hope you have something long range on you. I can fill that role a bit, but it's not my area, I admit." He patted his battle rifle to emphasize. Much of the planet was covered in jungle, so it might not be the biggest problem with a lack of visibility. But it did well to cover all bases. If his intel had been correct, they were landing twenty clicks from an abandoned outpost where they might be able to stock up on supplies, if the last group that went down hadn't ransacked the entirety of it. "By the way, ever done a drop like this?"