Jacob Weakness - Holy weapons can weaken him and hurt him his ability in telekinesis is powerful and dangerous but it can also get out of control and start attacking himself or his brother. Jacob is also the more decent of the brothers. rare to ever want to kill anyone for the sport he kills to defend his family or when he is thirsty. Jacob goes out of his way to avoid battles as much as possible and resolve things quick and easy but if t e battle is drawn out longer than he would like he gets tired. Jacob is also weak to earth that is blessed as he is unable to fly standing on holy ground for too long can also weaken him and his abilities. Rayder Weakness - his fury and anger are his biggest weakness letting his raw anger get the better of him he becomes almost blind and attacks sat anything that happens to move, even animals. Rayer has a deep hatred for angels and anything holy and even though they weaken him greatly it only fuels the fury inside of him. Rayder is also weak to lighting or attacks with electricity seems to be able to stun him for a bit. Rayder love for his brother though truly is the only weakness that could make him stop. while they can be devastated by many, they still find ways to get back up much like their father...they don't stay dead for long.