[centre][img]https://txt.1001fonts.net/img/txt/dHRmLjYwLjc1MTliMi5MaTR1TGk0dUxpNHVMaTR1TGk0dUxpNHVMaTR1TGk0dUxpNHVMaTR1TGk0dUxpNHVMaTR1TGk0dUxpNHVMaTR1TGk0dUxpNHVMaTR1TGk0dUxpNHVMaTR1LjA/vtks-deja-vu.regular.png[/img] [img]https://txt.1001fonts.net/img/txt/dHRmLjYwLjc1MTliMi5WR2hoWkdSbGRYTS4w/vtks-rock-garage-band.regular.png[/img] [img]https://txt.1001fonts.net/img/txt/dHRmLjYwLjc1MTliMi5MaTR1TGk0dUxpNHVMaTR1TGk0dUxpNHVMaTR1TGk0dUxpNHVMaTR1TGk0dUxpNHVMaTR1TGk0dUxpNHVMaTR1TGk0dUxpNHVMaTR1TGk0dUxpNHVMaTR1LjA/vtks-deja-vu.regular.png[/img] [img]https://i.ibb.co/pbNSBhN/Thaddeus.png[/img] [color=920ee8][b]Status:[/b][/color] [color=C23F5B]Alive / Well[/color] [color=920ee8][b]Location:[/b][/color] [color=C23F5B]Outside the Tavern[/color] [color=920ee8][b]Response:[/b][/color] [color=C23F5B][@Redpandagamer][@Forsythe][@Kumbaris][@Searat][@zanavy][/color] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xeeNxYqzePg]Theme Song[/url] [img]https://txt.1001fonts.net/img/txt/dHRmLjYwLjc1MTliMi5MaTR1TGk0dUxpNHVMaTR1TGk0dUxpNHVMaTR1TGk0dUxpNHVMaTR1TGk0dUxpNHVMaTR1TGk0dUxpNHVMaTR1TGk0dUxpNHVMaTR1TGk0dUxpNHVMaTR1LjA/vtks-deja-vu.regular.png[/img][/centre] [color=C23F5B]Thaddeus slowly lost his smile as he turned to look at Pyrona, his entire lackluster persona switched as if by the flick of a switch, his body became tensed up, his posture cold almost frightening. He could easily see that her posture had changed from that of a haze into a defensive position. Lowering his hand onto the hilt of the blade at his side he would not slide the blade up but rather prepared himself to quickly slash, he knew exactly what Pyrona's sudden change in temper was about and if she chose to attack than he would have to be serious lest she strike him down in one move. [b]"Calleida, Shina, please back away now."[/b] His voice was cold, his usual hardyness they had come to know and love gone. He never should have mentioned fighting a dragon, that was stupid given their present company and now she had suss'd out the blade of his hilt was made of dragon bone and thinking the worse. [b]"You have nothing to fear from me Pyrona, but if a fight is inevitable than give me the courtesy of doing it outside of Lorenstad. No one else needs to get hurt. As for your question... I can't explain to you where it came from, thats not your concern fledgling, but I can assure you that I did not kill the dragon it came from. I would never harm family."[/b] Thaddeus spoke very pointedly to Pyrona, there was no use in trying to console her now, that would most certainly make her attack, he just hoped she could accept his explanation because he intended to give her nothing more. [b]"An to answer your earlier question, it was a sparring match."[/b][/color]